This has only just happened within the past week.
It is only certain programs that won't open such as Itunes, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop & Windows Media PLayer. Those are the only ones i've discovered so far.

The onyl way i can get these programs to open is by going to say for itunes, and mp3 right clicking and going to open with...

Double clicking the program won't work either.

I'd usually do a ghost but my floppy disc isn't working atm and system restore isn't working either.

Any ideas anyone?

have you tried to reboot to see if that helps

I've tried rebooting multiple times.

do you have anti virus software and anti spyware software. scan your computer, spybot shearch and destroy and adaware are very good programs. you can also try windows defender. if they dont detect anything try a system restore to before the the problem started

I've done a virus scan, picked up 2 viruses, the same virus in 2 different places and got rid of them.
Still, system restore still will not work.

I'm going to get a spyware program run a scan with that.

I've ran a spyware and adware scan and it's only picked up cookies. Still, no progress with system restore.

ok so other than some of the programs not opening who is the computer running. is normal or running slow

I eventually got the ghost disc to work so all is fine. thanks anyways.

I may have got the ghost disc to work but still, the problem hsa returned.

as for itune try uninstall the [stupid] program and reinstall it


it might be that a virus has removed a registry in your system.

Try scanning for registry scanners

as for itune try uninstall the [stupid] program and reinstall it

I've tried that.
Also paint shop pro won't open now, i have to go to a .psp file right click and open with paint shop pro to get into the program. Same with itunes but a .mp3 file.

this is just a software i picked off

Reading the 2 reviews it has, the free version os useless.
I have ran a registry cleaner and i'll restart.

I ran the registry cleaner, reset and still it hasn't helped.

Try a system utility program such as tune up system utilities. This program is a tight little package which finds registry errors missing prog files etc. It also has a one click maintenance feature which i run everyday and it works like charm.

Excellent program Newf. i have it running in the background on my computer for about a year now ,

I have similar problem. I click the program and nothgin happens.

I assumed it was a memory issue... and windows xp was too lazy to tell me it was too tired to do anything. =)

It seems to be with larger programs, like photoshop. I'm also running Norton 360 2.0, but found the same thing when running 1.0. (I was hoping it would be better.)

do a alt+ctrl+del and check the device manager processes and watch what programs are using the cpu


It doesn't happen all the time. (only when I don't want it to) I wondered if it's because something is running in the background.

Right now I have 3 IE windows open, MS Word and Photoshop easily opened without a major change in the CPU usage (except when opening).

Other times I have had everything closed and it would not open.

I'm also dealing with a USB Hard Drive that seems to cause problems with plugged in, even though it shows as empty. I have to recover all the files on that. Could that cause problems like this?

At this point, I'll try anything... almost.


It doesn't happen all the time. (only when I don't want it to) I wondered if it's because something is running in the background.

Right now I have 3 IE windows open, MS Word and Photoshop easily opened without a major change in the CPU usage (except when opening).

Other times I have had everything closed and it would not open.

I'm also dealing with a USB Hard Drive that seems to cause problems with plugged in, even though it shows as empty. I have to recover all the files on that. Could that cause problems like this?

At this point, I'll try anything... almost.

how much ram do you have installed in the computr .

I have 1GB ram, and it's never been a problem before.
I am still having problems, i'm going to run a norton ghost tonight and just install programs that i need and whatnot and get rid of stuff i don't particularly need. I'll update this.

EDIT] i tried turning off my external hard drive and resetting, it didn't work so i don't think it's linked to that.

It must be a program i've installed because it was fine when i did a ghost but it went back to normal... i'll have to make a list of what i'm installing.

. i'll have to make a list of what i'm installing.

when reinstall programd ,take you time don't install them all at once,like on the same day ,install then as you need them

This has only just happened within the past week.
It is only certain programs that won't open such as Itunes, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop & Windows Media PLayer. Those are the only ones i've discovered so far.

The onyl way i can get these programs to open is by going to say for itunes, and mp3 right clicking and going to open with...

Double clicking the program won't work either.

I'd usually do a ghost but my floppy disc isn't working atm and system restore isn't working either.

Any ideas anyone?

I'd start simple, first. Check to be sure the shortcuts are directed to the right files, and THEN bust out the McAfee or the Norton, or the AVG or what have you. And if THAT doesn't fix the problem, I think you would have a couple options: backup your important files, then clear the partition and reinstall Windows from scratch. It'll take about a week to get your compy back the way it was before it took a dump, but at least that's a sure-fire way to kill anything wreaking havoc in your system. Your other option is to get a new compy. lol

Well i'm going to do a ghost and install what i need... and then see what happens then

I think i know what is doing it. I recently installed Sumsung Media Studio, for my mp3, and since then, itunes photoshop and paint shop pro will not open. I'm gonna try uninstalling it and see what happens.

Samsung Media Studio, was the problem.

I have the exact problem and it's been happening for about 3 weeks. I also had Samsung media studio long before the problem occurred and uninstalled it before the problems happened.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


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