For about a week now almost none of my programs will start. I double click it, it'll give me the lil hour glass for two seconds and nothing.

I googled the dog sh** out of this.

From what I read it says it's a registry problem.

I downloaded the "cleanrun.reg", "xp_exe_fix.reg", and one more. None of them have seemed to help.

I also dl'd one for .zip files. Those aren't workin either, nor .rar.

I've virus scanned the hell outta my comp too. Spybot won't start up (gofigure). So I can't go there.

I've tried me hardest. If any help can be given, it'd be greatly appreciated :].

- Chris

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I recall this problem on a Dell laptop a couple of months ago. My daughter hd got it into a right state. Most of the desktop icons had gone to a default image. The programs themselves were missing from their folders.

If that''s your problem, then you're stuffed. I copied the data files out to another drive (Explorer still worked) and then restored the C: drive to factory status from the system restore CD. Software added since initial state has to be reinstalled.

Hope you've got all those tools.

All of the programs are in their root folders. I just dunno what to do.

I don't have my orginal CD, this comp is old as Windows XP.

It still has SP1. So, it's pretty old.

Some programs will start, but most won't.

AIM, Opera, AVG will start.

But programs like Dev-C++ or Spybot won't start.

I can't reformat my drive as much as I'd like to because I can't afford a new operating system. I'm seventeen, I work at Subway, and pay 141 a week in bills. So, I'm pretty much at a loss of what to do right now.

Thanks for the help though Suspishio!

If the programs are in their root folders, do they start from those folders?

If it's a Registry problem with these programs, then they probably won't start. A Registry cleaning tool should spot any mismatch between what's in Program Files and what's in the Registry. There's freeware from Advanced Windows Care that'll clean your Registry.

I downloaded a registry cleaing program, I can't install it.. my computer isn't recognizing .exe.

Is there an online registry cleaner?

Have you tried installing the Registry cleaner in Safe mode?

I got it to install. I went into the Task Manager and ended explorer.exe.

I did the new task, ran the installer, ran the program, cleaned the registry. It worked for maybe ten minutes. Then back to not opening any programs. :/

Well I ended explorer.exe again, ran spybot, registry cleaner, and HJT. I posted my log in the virus section, so hopefully I can get this problem fixed soon! :]

Thanks yall.

Well I ended explorer.exe again, ran spybot, registry cleaner, and HJT. I posted my log in the virus section, so hopefully I can get this problem fixed soon! :]

Thanks yall.

good luck!

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