I just made a P4 2.533 GHz on an ASUS P4S8X mother board and have not been able to see my DVD drive it does show my CD drive which is attached to the master (Black Connector) of the same cable. Any ideas what to do? Thanks in advance?

Just Windows can't see it or the BIOS can't see it either? Have you moved the jumpers around on the drive itself?

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You stated that your CD-Rom drive is connected as a master. The DVD-Rom drive should be a slave .Now to do
this you set the jumper in the back of the DVD-Rom in slave jumper.

Thanks for your suggestions guys. I will soon give you a feedback on that and my BIOS doesn't seem to show it either.

Thanks for your suggestions guys. I will soon give you a feedback on that and my BIOS doesn't seem to show it either.

Sorry for a very late reply but I owe you one :-). I resolved the issue by playing with jumpers and some of the settings were not printed correctly thats why it all happened. Thanks to all of you, take care!


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