After replacing my old ECS MB with a new one (w/800fbs) I tried for a clean XP Pro install. I have to use the 6 pack installation disks as I don't have bootable CD.

All went well until I tried to run the setup disks. I can boot using a old ME disk and formated, ran fdisk, and STILL get this annoying error message when running the 1st setup disk, ...

"File \biosinfo.inf could not be loaded.
The error code is 4096.

Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit"

ECS sent me e-mail recommending a bios flash, of course the Award falsh utility they have as a dl from their website doesn't run in DOS ....geeeze.

In the process of finding a DOS bois flashing utility now....anybody have and suggestions,r seen this issue before?


It sounds like one of your disks went bad, not that your BIOS went bad.

Why is your Windows XP CD not bootable? In my experience, all non-upgrade WinXP CDs have been bootable.

To test to see if your system can boot up, this will ensure that your BIOS isn't corrupted, burn an Ultimate Boot CD. This is a utility CD that you can use to do various things. It will show if your system is bootable or not. Try it out and let us know if it loads.

the pc will boot, a ME boot disk will work, a XP Home floppy boot disk will work.

this XP pro came from work and is not a bootable CD.

I've created another 6 xp pro setupdisks, straight from the microsoft website and still get the saME "biosinfo.inf could not be loaded. Error code 4096"

It sounds like one of your disks went bad, not that your BIOS went bad.

Why is your Windows XP CD not bootable? In my experience, all non-upgrade WinXP CDs have been bootable.

To test to see if your system can boot up, this will ensure that your BIOS isn't corrupted, burn an Ultimate Boot CD. This is a utility CD that you can use to do various things. It will show if your system is bootable or not. Try it out and let us know if it loads.


I hate to be Mr. Obvious here, but ME boots, XP Home boots, but XP Pro won’t boot. Therefore, you probably have a bad copy of the XP Pro install disks. You should make new disks (I don’t recommend actually using the same disks). Better yet, why can’t you just install XP Home and upgrade it to XP Pro using the CD from work?


CORRECT !!! I went to format the floppys as a last ditch effort to create a set up XP s and disk one would not format ! Picked up some new floppys and all went well THANKYOU !!

It sounds like one of your disks went bad, not that your BIOS went bad.

Why is your Windows XP CD not bootable? In my experience, all non-upgrade WinXP CDs have been bootable.

To test to see if your system can boot up, this will ensure that your BIOS isn't corrupted, burn an Ultimate Boot CD. This is a utility CD that you can use to do various things. It will show if your system is bootable or not. Try it out and let us know if it loads.

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