these two errors occur right after bootup finishes

1st error: svchost.exe - Application error

[The instruction at "0x745f2780" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".]

2nd error: this occurs seconds after the first one

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Error signature:

szAppName : svchost.exe szAppVer : 5.1.2600.2180 szModName : msi.dll
szModVer : 3.1.4000.2435 offset : 00012780

technical information:

I hope that this information is enough to help you determine a good course of action on how to resolve my problem, I thank you for your time and considderation.

it seems to me that you have MSBlast virus, here you can download the prog which can remove it. the second thing i'd advice you to install SP2 for windows.

ok so I downloaded the file and the application works fine; However no blaster worm was detected and the errors still come back.

It took me this long to reply because the last time I had to basicly system restore back to when I first got the commputer to get it to go away...

Now the errors are back again and I wanted to know if there was an easier way to get rid of them.

thank you for your time.

Did you recently install any new hardware or software, install a new Windows update, or attach an old HP printer?

as a matter of fact I did just move to a new house and re installed many things including hoking it up to an HP printer (It was previously hooked up but to move I had to remove it).

Is there a reason why these things would cause this error?

your help is most welcome.

I read over the information on your links and turned off the computer and unplugged the printer and so far I havent had the errors come back yet. (and yes I have plugged it back in and printed stuff, I just leave it unplugged when I dont need it)

Thanks for your help

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