I have installed python 3 on my kubuntu PC.
However as the default version of python on kubuntu is 2.5 Idle uses python 2.5 instead of the newly installed python 3

(i used the "python3.0" package for installing python and "idle" package for IDLE when i was installing using synaptic package manager)

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i dont know about kubuntu but with windows after i installed it you need to look on the start bar in all programs and there is the folder Python30

Even the IDLE that comes with Python30 will insist to use PYthon25 if installed. There must be a file association config file somewhere that screws this up.

I finally wrote a batch file (I use Windows Vista) and that solves the problem:

REM a batch file to force IDLE to use Pyhon30
REM saved as IDLE30.bat
C:\Python30\pythonw.exe -u C:\Python30\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw

By the way, I really hate VISTA (their socalled security is childish, rather annoying and stupid)!

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