535 Topics

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Member Avatar for jbutardo

Need help, I need to know on how can VB.net validates the format of each cell on the excel file that it opens, for example, the first row should only be numeric, or cannot be null, is it possible that vb.net can check it before it inserts it in the …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for Rox Vi

Hi, I am having problem with my coding below when I would like to export the data from GridView to Excel Spreadsheet. Appreciate if you could share your valuable comment. Thanks [B]Error Message =[/B] Class 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView' cannot be indexed becasue it has no default property. [B]Error Line[/B] = xlWorkSheet.Cells(i + …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for surakesh

[CODE]using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; namespace program { private void cmdOpen_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { FileSystem.FileOpen(1, inputfile, OpenMode.Input, (OpenAccess)(-1), (OpenShare)(-1), -1); // 1 : excel file Excel.Application MyXl; MyXl = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); MyXl.Visible = true; Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = MyXl.Workbooks.Open(inputfile, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, true, …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for surakesh

// ws is an object variable of worksheet // systype is a string variable Range r = (Range)ws.Cells[2, 2]; systype = r.Value2.ToString(); how can I combine these two lines into one single line ? Please help ....

Member Avatar for surakesh
Member Avatar for dd2308

Hello Everyone, I want to transfer data in export from my php reports. it works also. but the problem is when i open that .xls file in notepad i can view all my data. i don't want this.my data will be unsecure.can anybody tell me solution?? code is as below: …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Human2.0

Greeting fellow Humans, I'm trying to "[I]comb merge[/I]" (if any thing as such) bunch of Excel files. There are 2 type of Excel workbook: A & B Both has a column called : [I]Location ID[/I] [U]These are the step I think the prog should do [/U]: Promp user to select …

Member Avatar for Human2.0
Member Avatar for Guipborges

Hi everybody. I have a simple problem. Need send the c++ output to excel(csv->xls or xls direct) in formated data. I can send the data to excel, but i can´t format that like this: |_ col 1__|___col 2___|___col n____| row 1......|....2row 1 row 2......|....2row 2 row 3......|... 2row n What …

Member Avatar for newvbnetuser

I am trying to write a windows application in vb.net to import data from excel to sql server. I got "object not set to an instance of an object" error. The data actually have been inserted into the sql. The following is my code. I have a button when the …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for Aviras

Hello everyone, I'm a java programmer writing a half graphical half text rpg. For the moment I read my data from text files, e.g. Enemies.txt id name hp and so forth. However, I want to make it a little more clear to handle, as in a database format. I can …

Member Avatar for Aviras
Member Avatar for hari.paartha

[COLOR="Green"]Hi all Pls tell me how i can read a data from EXCEL file and copy it to a text file using c++ program.I dont want to do it as manually .(Its for an extended application for software).I want to read the data from perticular cell to the end of …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for python-noob

I know this forum isn't to give away the answers, but could someone maybe help me get started? My biggest problem is figuring out where to start. Even the pseudo code doesn't help me very much. I don't know how to use an excel file in a program either. I …

Member Avatar for python-noob
Member Avatar for haka007

Hello Members, Would anyone please take a look at my attached excel files which is a commodity exchange's end of the day data file. This is a free copy which anyone can download from their websites. Those are ([url]www.mcxindia.com[/url]) & ([url]www.ncdex.com[/url]). Now my query is in those two files there …

Member Avatar for haka007
Member Avatar for aadi_capri

hello friends, i have a windows project in vb.net, in which i have to connect my project with an excel database i have microsoft office 2007 installed on my lappy.. please help me with the code. thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, as anyone reading this might have guessed I need help. And please forgive me for making it long. [COLOR="Green"]You may skip right to [B]Found Half of a Solution[/B] if you don't want/need the background of my problem.[/COLOR] [B][U]Why and What[/U][/B] I am developping for a client an Excel worksheet …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, I'm still trying to work out the same problem: how to process data from an Excel sheet (above all sort through it but in groups; will explain further down) to use in a Cluster Chart without storing it as data in an Excel sheet. The problem at hand: I …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, it now seems that I might be able to use SQL/MS Query to do what I tried to find a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/visual-basic-4-5-6/threads/388319"]workaround[/URL]. (Even if this works that does not invalidate the problem posed in that thread, though its urgency would be reduced.) So: is there a way to perform in …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for pepyrs

Hello guys, I've been to a lot of forums and discussions about this but I never found precise solution. I'm having a WEB application in ASP.NET written in C# and a MySQL database behind. I made a button "Import from Excel" which has SQL command: "LOAD DATA INFILE 'importTest2MorePads.csv' INTO …

Member Avatar for pepyrs

Hello guys, I found a lot examples about this one but I still don't have it all working. So the thing is that I have a button in my C# web application called Export to Excel. The functionality should works as if the button is clicked - it just simply …

Member Avatar for pepyrs
Member Avatar for lobstar

Hi, I am having an issue with updating my database with info from an excel spreadsheet. I am using php-excelreader from: [url]http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpexcelreader/[/url] Here is what I have thus far: [code=php] <?php require_once 'reader.php'; $Host = "..."; $User = "..."; $Password = "..."; $DBname = "..."; $Link = mysql_connect ($Host, $User, …

Member Avatar for rrpandiarajan
Member Avatar for sowdust

Hello everyone! I need to anticipate that I am very new to the Microsoft developing world, therefore I am not confident with Visual Studio. I need to write an application for a windows server that works with excel. Looking on the web I found that the best method would be …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi, i'm using an excel add-in which creates protected sheets where i can select options in different controls (like listboxes). I need to have a process run at intervals but this option is not included in the add-in. The process is initiated by selecting "Starts" from a listbox. Is there …

Member Avatar for martin11ph

Is it possible? Currently, I am inserting data to a CSV file using PHP via the fputcsv() function. When opened in Excel, it works fine. The problem is that all the columns are of the default size. Is there a way to autofit the column width and possibly modify the …

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Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi, i'm using winwedge to link up a balance to a computer, in order to gather the readings into an excel sheet. i've writen the code that starts winwedge at the press of a button, and created the macro that is supposed to request readings and send them to the …

Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi i need to make an excel macro that handles serial communication and takes data from two lab balances. I've looked around and found that i can use xmcommcrc or winwedge (others too but these i'm experimenting with). The result should be that data would be recorded live into an …

Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi i'm making an excel worksheet that will generate some random numbers. i used this formula: =RAND()*(High-Low)+Low, to generate a number between 0 and some other value and then subtract that from another number. Like this i obtain random variations around a value(just lower than the original). However, i need …

Member Avatar for g_amanu

if a file that has multiple columns, like [CODE]1 7 3 8 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 7 6 4 4 3[/CODE] i want to read the first row and see if there numbers that are grater than 6. Then add that number to all the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Eruditio

Hi all, In a program I've been working on I would like to start a process and save it in a variable of type Process. This is so I can kill it later, if needed, and change the window type. The process is an Excel document. Here is some relevant …

Member Avatar for anas alrawi
Member Avatar for caseyl89

I have the code to parse data to a Datagridview and then export that into an excel spreadsheet. How can I export the headers of the datagridview? [CODE] var bs3 = new BindingSource { DataSource = query }; dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true; dataGridView1.AutoSize = true; dataGridView1.DataSource = bs3; } } private …

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Member Avatar for kungfujam

The below bit of code is running very very slowly. I cant see why this should be but there seems to be almost a second delay when I'm using f8 to run through the code bit by bit when I get to the end if...any clues? [code] Sub firstResponse() Dim …

Member Avatar for SpiritualMadMan
Member Avatar for Gizzle72

Very new to writing macros, trying to impress the boss with a project, but I am stuck with a code. I can hide the rows when the checkbox is selected, but the other checkboxes are still visible. Is there a way to hide other checkboxes as well. My current code: …

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The End.