12 Topics

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Member Avatar for lewashby

A while back I built a computer with an Asus motherboard, a SSD, and two milk creates for a cheap case, and I had Xubuntu installed on it. I have tried to install Xubuntu on it again several times today but it always fails to create the partitions. I keep …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I'm having some issues with my BSP Dungeon Generation and I'm not sure why! I'd greatly appreciate the help :) Occasionally I'll get an IllegalArgumentException in RandomHelper. That may help, but it's not the issue because it only happens rarely. As you can see, [this image](http://puu.sh/nb9Ir/70efbe5e81.png) shows that the Rooms …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mahesha999

Hi there, I just bought Dell XPS 15, with 500 GB HDD I have habit of using 3 partitions. One for System, 120 GB 2nd 190 GB 3rd 190 GB But now, there is recovery partition of 13.4 GB, C of almost 200+ GB & Another of again 200+ GB …

Member Avatar for amit28it
Member Avatar for whodoes21

Hello. We have been asked to write a program of an event driven simulation in dynamic partition. where we are given a number of jobs with it's given time and job size. the job should remain on the memory until completion (time clocks down to 0). the program should measure …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for iamthesgt

For an assignment in a computer programming class, we have to install 3 linux distributions on one machine from three different trees. I chose to install Ubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSUSE. I already dual-boot Ubuntu and Windows 7, but I'm not sure about the partitioning. I have 460GB of space in …

Member Avatar for ranger_g
Member Avatar for Mahesha999

Hi there, I just bought Dell XPS 15, with 500 GB HDD I have habit of using 3 partitions. One for System, 120 GB 2nd 190 GB 3rd 190 GB But now, there is hidden recovery partition of 13.4 GB, C of almost 200+ GB & Another of again 200+ …

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for ljdellar

I found this amazingly useful for setting PCs with SSD as boot drive and a large storage drive. [url]http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/124198-user-profiles-create-move-during-windows-7-installation.html[/url] Kudos to "Kari"

Member Avatar for ljdellar
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I've been trawling the net trying to find out how MySQL would handle partitioning if I don't specify any values for RANGE. My code is as follows: [CODE=MySQL]PARTITION BY RANGE(vehicle_id) PARTITIONS 10()[/CODE] The table will most likely end up having roughly 50 000+ records. Can anyone perhaps give …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for baldwindc

Hi, I am about to set up a dual boot configuration on my machine. I plan to install osx on my pc, with windows 7 being the most used partition on the machine. I would like for windows to be out the outside of the hard disk so I may …

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for conandor

I running MySQL 5.1.30 on Solaris 10. As I have a table which I partition into 12 according to each month. The table structure as follow [CODE] mysql> desc my_events; +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | event_id | bigint(20) | …

Member Avatar for NeoKyrgyz

Hi, My project modules are organized in such a way that I have to maintain following Database structure. I've 5 schemas, each containing 20 to 50 tables. Each schema is accosiated with one module of the project. All the tables that are used within more than one modules are kept …

Member Avatar for NeoKyrgyz

Hi, My project modules are organized in such a way that I have to maintain following Database structure. I've 5 schemas, each containing 20 to 50 tables. Each schema is accosiated with one module of the project. All the tables that are used within more than one modules are kept …


The End.