9 Topics

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I saw this article yesterday titled, "[URL="http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/20090220/tc_pcworld/studyfederalgovtcansavebillionsinitspending"]Study: Federal Gov't. Can Save Billions in IT Spending[/URL]," and feel compelled to comment. The gist of the article is that by switching to open source software, like Linux and OpenOffice.org, the federal government would save billions of dollars in IT costs. This is …

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Thanks to the US dollar getting stronger against the Euro as the European debt crisis takes hold, and shows no signs of weakening for the remainder of the year, so the outlook for IT spending growth looks dim. So dim, in fact, that Gartner analysts have cut back the worldwide …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It's good news for those in the security business, according to Gartner at least. It is predicting that security software and services spending will outpace other IT spending areas in 2010. The Gartner [URL="http://www.gartner.com/DisplayDocument?ref=g_search&id=1141513&subref=simplesearch"]report[/URL] suggests that security software budgets will grow by approximately 4% in 2010, while security services budgets …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Historically, here in the UK at least, the electronic and gadget online marketplace has ruled the roost when it comes to consumer spending. However, according to one new survey, now it is milk and bread that are selling the most. Statistics from the largest discount voucher code website in the …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The UK economy has [URL="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/uk-economy-grinds-to-a-halt-906524.html"]officially ground to a halt[/URL], and is in danger of heading for recession. In the second quarter of the year growth was, well, zero actually. That means that the longest period of economic expansion in British history, some 16 years of it, has come to an …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I caught a technology sector analyst from Invesco on Yahoo's Tech Ticker this morning who had some interesting things to say about the dysfunctional relationship between the technology stock sector and the subcrime . . . err . . . subprime credit debacle. It seems that the credit & lending …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

How stupid is the state of Maryland? No, not it's fine people, but it's short-sighted governor Marty O'Malley and its state legislature, which recently upped taxes state-wide in an effort to fund new programs and pay for additional government services. The tax hike has residents steaming and companies rallying to …

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Anybody reading this blog knows that the media has been adamant about the U.S. economy tanking into recession, with reporters putting their notebooks and tape recorders down and waving pom-pom's in support of economic strife for millions of Americans. Why? Once again, who knows? Probably because it's a compelling story …

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Even as U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson reassured us on Friday that the economy "would not go into recession" in 2008", some people, especially consumers, aren't buying it. This is exactly what I'm talking about when I vent over the power of perception and the media's glee in talking down …

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The End.