67 Topics

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Linux distributions could use a boost in a few different areas, specifically these five: Virtualization, Graphics, Games, Point-of-Sale and Education. Some significant progress has been made in the past year or so in virtualization and graphics but there's still more to do. Everyone has their own set of ideals for …

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If you haven't heard of [URL="http://www.proxmox.org"]ProxMox[/URL] yet, you need to hit the site right now and grab the [URL="http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Downloads"]ISO[/URL] file for the latest version (1.3) as of this writing. ProxMox is a bare metal (Type 1) hypervisor that comes with [URL="http://www.linux-kvm.org"]KVM[/URL] (Kernel Virtual Machine) and [URL="http://www.proxmox.org"]OpenVZ[/URL] technology rolled into a …

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I'm having a rather traumatic experience with certain [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] products lately. My problem is that I'm trying to "get to know" Microsoft's Hyper-V for my virtualization column over at [URL="http://www.linux-mag.com"]Linux Magazine[/URL]. The problem is, that to manage a true Hyper-V system remotely, you must have a Windows Vista or Windows …

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This post has nothing to do with Michael Jackson, his death, his kids, his Neverland Ranch or anything related to him. It has everything to do with my need for a virtual laboratory where I can test virtual machines, write about them or produce other documentation about them without a …

Member Avatar for ronkupper
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I received a newsletter from [URL="http://www.rpath.com"]rPath[/URL] concerning Lean IT and it occurred to me that Linux is the keystone in each one of the elements listed in it: Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Cost reduction mandates. As more businesses work toward saving money, they'll look for ways to save on IT …

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Member Avatar for khess

Well, well, well...Larry Ellison, [URL="http://www.oracle.com"]Oracle[/URL] CEO [URL="http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/press/018535"]added[/URL] [URL="http://www.virtualiron.com"]Virtual Iron[/URL] to his collection today. Congratulations, Larry. When is Oracle going bankrupt? Every time that I've seen a company acquire too many other companies in a short time period, they always end up in the dustbin. Oracle just acquired [URL="http://www.sun.com"]Sun[/URL] just one …

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This morning I heard a news blip about a Netbook offering later this year from Verizon. Verizon? The phone company? Yep. I had to do a double-take on it too. There's talk that the Netbooks will be subsidized and cost about $100. I'm sure that price is a result of …

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Do my eyes deceive me or did [URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red Hat[/URL] just deliver its own smackdown on the virtualization community today? I was wondering when they were going to offer a solution that combined their new acquistion, Qumranet and the KVM product. I don't have to wait any longer. The products, including …

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This is what we're going to see for the next year or two: Strategic Partnerships. A couple of days ago, Red Hat signed one of these partnership deals with Microsoft in what I call "A deal with the devil." Microsoft and Red Hat have slung mud, insults and accusations at …

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Do you need 10 reasons to use Linux-based virtualization? Linux is the chosen virtualization platform for Cloud vendors, virtualization software companies and the largest IT companies in the world. What do they know that you don't? Here's the list of 10 reasons in reverse order (Actually there's no particular order …

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What's more stable than a rock, faster than a spinning disk, more powerful than a Windows system twice its size, and able to leap platforms like no other operating system? Surprise! It's Linux. It's also recession proof. Can that be true? Yes, and here are the 5 reasons why: [B]1. …

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There's only one company that doesn't use Linux for its server virtualization platform. Can you guess which one it is? If you guessed [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL], you're correct. [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/virtualization"]Microsoft[/URL] is a newbie in the virtualization space but wants in and may make significant dents in the already well-established market that is significantly …

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Linux will continue its soaring success in 2009. Yes, Linux is free and free is good but what about its other advantages over commercial Unix flavors and Windows? Here are the top seven reasons why Linux will continue to smash the competition in the face of the economy, the Cloud, …

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Everyone wants to know what's going to happen in the new year as if anyone can accurately predict these things. However, one can deduce, with reasonable accuracy, that there will be innovations that are designed to get our attention. This is my list of Linux-oriented predictions for 2009. [B]The keyword …

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Member Avatar for khess

Welcome to the new series, Seven Ways From Sunday, that replaces the Crystal Ball Sunday Series. This new series focuses on a single aspect of IT management from an "in the trenches" point-of-view. Being in list format, it will help you, the busy professional, quickly absorb and assess necessary information. …

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Fedora releases usually generate more yawns than a Ben Affleck movie for me but this time, they've gone the extra mile. I placed Fedora at number 7 in my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3322.html"]10 Best Linux Distributions[/URL] post but now that I've seen Fedora 10, I may have to reorder the list and place …

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Has your IT budget just taken a big hit for 2009? Many have. These desperate times call for desperate measures but don't worry these measures aren't nearly so desperate and they just might help you fix that ailing IT budget. All you need is a little creative thinking and some …

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There's plenty of speculation that the current state of the economy will [URL="http://ostatic.com/158388-blog/recession-a-boon-for-open-sourcess"]greatly benefit open source technology[/URL], and you know an idea is taking root when mainstream IT conferences include presentations about implementing FOSS solutions in enterprise. Desmond Atkinson, with UK-based capacity planning firm [URL="http://www.metron.co.uk/"]Metron Technology Limited[/URL], plans to lead …

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Mainframes (MF) in the news again? Can it be or did I just wake up in 1980 all over again? It's true (the Mainframe part not 1980) that we are now looking backward for our future in virtualization and Cloud Computing using Linux as the delivery system. Mainframes have a …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]You can't go back and you can't stand still If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will ~The Grateful Dead. [/I] Gloomy economic reports continue to pervade our daily news. It has me wondering if the problems on Wall Street will eventually trickle down to the tech sector …

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I guess no one ever asked before--maybe no one cares--or maybe it just isn't discussed. While at VMWorld, I asked a major virtualization vendor representative if they had implemented VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) in their Enterprise. The answer I got is shocking to me. Maybe someone should have asked before. …

Member Avatar for khess

Here is the big announcement I promised you from VMWorld. [URL="http://www.mokafive.com"]MokaFive[/URL], a Desktop Virtualization company, originally created Desktop VMs (Virtual Machines) that reside on a USB flash drive. Now, MokaFive takes Desktop virtualization to the next level: Your Desktop on your phone. [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]MokaFive specializes in mobile desktop virtualization – meaning, …

Member Avatar for khess

Next week, September 15-18, brings us the biggest Virtualization event in North America and your Linux guy will be there with bells on. I'll be there in my new freelance reporter capacity as [URL="http://www.linux-mag.com"]Linux Magazine's[/URL] Virtualization Columnist/Editor. You can expect blog posts and possibly some breaking news from the conference …

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Desktop virtualization got a boost last week when [URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red Hat, Inc.[/URL] purchased [URL="http://www.qumranet.com"]Qumranet[/URL], an Israeli Open Source company that specializes in virtualization solutions. Its product offerings include KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine), Solid ICE, and SPICE. This acquisition brings Red Hat into head-on competition with such virtualization vendors as VMware and …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

There were quite a few interesting stories to come out of the recent [URL="https://www.blackhat.com/"]Black Hat[/URL] security conference in Las Vegas. If all you remember hearing about were the [URL="http://www.periscopeit.co.uk/news/article/web-monitoring-gets-hack-hackers-into-trouble/255"]ejected reporters[/URL] and [URL="http://www.cio.com.au/index.php/id;424905265"]DNS cache poisoning[/URL], then you missed a lot. Network and infrastructure security, the conference's focus, is a vitally important …

Member Avatar for khess

Major players in the laptop computer market go virtual with Linux. [URL="http://www.hp.com"]HP[/URL], [URL="http://www.lenovo.com"]Lenovo[/URL], and now [URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell[/URL] offer laptops that have a Linux Mode. Linux Mode in the Dell Latitude line offers the user a minimal environment where one can surf the web, check email, and perform a few other tasks. …

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Virtualization tools company Xenocode today is set to begin shipping an update to Postbuild 2008 for .NET, which enables developers to deploy .NET applications to systems that do not have the .NET framework installed or have a mismatched version. The update adds support for .NET 3.0 and 3.5, Visual Studio …

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Welcome to Crystal Ball Sunday #8! Today's discussion focuses on Virtual Appliances which are small virtual machines designed for a very specific purpose. There are Virtual Appliance Email servers, VPN servers, Firewalls, Routers, Dial-in servers, DNS servers, CMS application servers, and the list goes on and on. I had this …

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It wasn't due for another six weeks or so, but today Microsoft surprised many folk by starting to sell its new Hyper-V server virtualisation software. Microsoft had repeatedly told anyone who asked, and anyone who was listening, that it would be released in August. However, Microsoft customers were alerted to …

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Red Hat announced a new bare-metal [I]hypervisor[/I] technology last week at the Red Hat Summit in Boston. It is based on KVM (Kernel-Based Virtual Machine) technology and actually has been included in Linux kernel version 2.6.20 and up. This announcement has some Red Hat and virtualization proponents wondering why Red …

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The End.