i was wondering if anyone has successfully implemented 2Checkout with a shopping cart. Mine is http://www.comersus.com
i liked the fact that it doesn't require a merchant account.
thank you.

If you do a quick search on daniweb or google, you will find a lot of negative comments about 2CO. This is particular to seller selling e-products. I do not integrate 2CO to my sites because of this. If 2CO is your only choice, they do provide their own shopping cart.

Yes, it is possible to integrate 2CO with Comersus. Are you using their free cart or their pro package?

Well, I have integrated 2CO on 3 of my websites. It is true that they suck. Their support is horrible. My scripts broke many times because they made changes and did not bother informing their customers.

Can someone give me directions ho to integrate my site with 2CO??
What are the steps that I need to take?

Can someone give me directions ho to integrate my site with 2CO??
What are the steps that I need to take?

I think better to consult the support department of 2CO or a programmer can do that.

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