Chrome on Windows 7 goes crazy when trying to scroll in this thread. Use the mouse to use the scrollbar on the right.

Seems to work fine for me. Maybe it's an ad-related issue?

It could be, but I have ads turned off in my profile. Workd ok for me with IE9 but not Chrome. I think the problem is the right side of the windows where the tweet and Line buttons are becaue I see them flash on and off very rapidly.

It works for me and the thread does have some recent replies, indicating other people didn't have any issues either. I'm not sure what the problem could be? Is this the only thread that's ever been affected for you?

Its the only thread I've seen that acts like that.

What, exactly, is it doing? Can anyone else confirm??

Use the mouse and pull the scrollbar down about half way. At that point the scroll bar immediately jumps to the bottom then starts bouncing up and down about the height of the scrollbar.

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