I've done a lot of work over the past two days trying to make DaniWeb more mobile-friendly. It's no where close to perfect, and it's certainly not a mobile-optimized skin, but it should make normal browsing on the site a bit easier.

I've been focusing around tablet devices, and currently have no plans in the immediate future to make us phone-friendly.

There is a noticeable improvement.

Member Avatar for diafol

Forum-based sites rarely fare well in phone view - especially those showing code snippets. so that would be a significant challenge and something that would probably benefit from a native app. Trying to shoehorn all that info into a RWDed small dimension seems rather pointless - pay for the info, and then either can't see it or wait an age - or both! :)

This site is perfect for tablet users, very intuitive and practical, with the added bonus of of also being aesthetically pleasing and original. Daniweb is way ahead of everybody else.

Just visited with my phone too. Even though I had to zoom in to read the posts, which is quite normal and expected, the consistent colour schemes for buttons and their relative size made accessing the site on my phone a doddle without needing to zoom in to navigate. In my opinion Daniweb is phone friendly, unless you have something like a Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. (or should that be DinoTAC) :-)

Is there still reference to who the last contributor to a thread was? This was a way of being able to tell whether a thread had been updated or not. Or, if there is a better way of noticing that someone else has added something I'll adapt to that. :-)

Is there still reference to who the last contributor to a thread was?

No, unfortunately that information has been stripped out of the mobile display. I tried every which way to get the information to get squished in there, be rest assured. You'll have to rely on the order of threads in the listing to find the most recently updated ones, first.

Or, if there is a better way of noticing that someone else has added something I'll adapt to that. :-)

'New' vs 'Read' icons :)

'New' vs 'Read' icons :)

A ha! Perfect! I would look for a change in name to see if anything had been added to the thread, but this new method is much, much better.

Thank you.

help me plzzz

With what, in this thread?

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