So today I get this email from DaniWeb and it's promoting this new business social network Dazah. So after working hard to fill out the initial profile and write the perfect elevator pitch as they call it, I'm so frustrated that I'm wasting my time logging in here to complain about the whole dami thing. This site needs so many things it's not even funny. Once you do finally get in there's no account settings area no contact form no edit area. As a matter of fact you can't even load a photo from your phone which is where 60% of business people will be on like me to begin with but phone photos are to big. I replied to DaniWebs email to let them know how stupid they where to push this when obviously they never even checked it out but that was a waste of time to because it's a no reply email account. I don't know who is more stupid dazah or dani. Just plain waste of my time.

Reverend Jim commented: Rude. -3

It is one thing to point out perceived shortcomings of someone else's work. It's another entrely to get personal. I'm always in favour of rational and constructive criticism. However, referring to a feature, or lack of one as "stupid" is not rational or constructive. It is just rude. I can only assume you have never read the Daniweb rules, particularly the one stating keep it pleasant. Criticize the product, not the person.

I replied to DaniWebs email to let them know how stupid they where to push this when obviously they never even checked it out

It's a bit funny that you are mad at me for not having given Dazah a thorough investigation before promoting it to the DaniWeb community. Truth be told, Dazah is my new project that is only a couple of days old, that I conceived and developed entirely myself over the past couple of weeks.

It's definitely a rough prototype ... It's only two weeks in the works, and launched only since this past weekend! I simply wanted to share my new project with the DaniWeb community.

However, I do agree with you in that our mobile version is not quite there yet. There are account settings, etc., but they are not accessible yet from the mobile UI. The full functionality is only available from desktops right now. Full mobile functionality will most likely be introduced this upcoming weekend.

Like I said, this entire project is only a few weeks old. I came up with the idea 3 weeks ago, started developing it 2 weeks ago, and launched it over this past weekend.

Like I said, this entire project is only a few weeks old. I came up with the idea 3 weeks ago, started developing it 2 weeks ago, and launched it over this past weekend.

Every other piece of software I have ever bought/downloaded has been 100% bug free and exactly what I wanted with every feature exactly how I would have designed it myself. Shame on you for not releasing a perfect and highly polished product that measures up to everyone's standards.

Honestly, I agree with him in that the mobile experience leaves a lot to be desired. It wasn't my #1 priority because DaniWeb has always been at most 5% mobile traffic, so as long as there was basic functionality and usability, it was fine. However, Dazah is already hovering around 35% mobile traffic, so that's definitely going to be my priority this weekend.

Could the mobile thing be chicken and egg with DaniWeb? Make it a better mobile experience and more people will access it that way? Certainly Google seems to take the mobile friendly aspect very seriously these days from what I understand...

Google just wants you to be mobile friendly, which we are. And basic functionality is there. Our lack of a mobile audience is simply because people aren't coding on their cellphones.

more people is a double edged sword. The quality of the average posts in many forums is already at rock bottom (90%+ dumped homework requests in the Java forum for example, with the few actual questions rarely receiving an answer), with very few people contributing anything of value.
Seeing the average "mobile" user elsewhere, I fear that if there's a massive influx of them that will only get worse.

The OP definitely isn't a programmer. Speaking for myself, even in the most simple, most evident things I can make the most stupid mistakes. I debug a lot. :) But it makes me having great respect for programmers who design something great.

Id like to refer to what Jim wrote under first post here. I think its not rude, its truth being told in straightforward way.. Dani should have wrote that its in alpha stage......

I did say "I would like to share with you a new project that I just started working on." I guess I should have clarified just how new.

New is far too general when it comes to software coding..... it may mean 'in its open/closed beta', 'alpha stage', but it may also mean 'its RC'..... be more specific next time....
btw - why its not listed by Google?

btw - why its not listed by Google?

Because it's missing the main two ingredients for search engine optimization. #1 It's behind a login wall, which means that all of the content cannot be seen by Google. #2 Not a lot of other sites are linking to it (yet!)

I think its not rude, its truth being told in straightforward way.

So, hypothetically, if you make a statement that is contradicted by the facts and I respond with

You are an idiot if you believe that because...

instead of something like

that turns out not to be the case because...

in your opinion my first statement is not rude because I am being straightforward. I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one. Good luck trying to get people to see your side of anything with that attitude. When people hear themselves or their ideas called "stupid", "idiotic", etc. they immediately get defensive instead of being open to suggestions or constructive criticism.

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