Hello all,

Ok what I'm trying to do is that I have over 400+ .doc and each one is very similar but a little difference and I'm trying to modify only 2 fields that is in every document(which is a revision number and rev. field to enter in more data for the new revision); there's pictures and text only in them. Also need find a way to make it modify like around 5-10 of these files a time. My question is how to approach this project and what programming language to use or should I make just a addin for MS Word? I'm trying to create it to remove having to update 400+ files just to enter in new data for the revisions. Thanks in advance.

If you are dealing with MS office I think using a software from MS (such as C#.NET, vb.NET or any other .NET varient) will be of more help as compared to other platforms. I think that office activex controls are easily available.

You can certainly do it with this

Probably with Perl, using

Maybe with Python, using

> Ok what I'm trying to do is that I have over 400+ .doc
And I'm guessing that since you mention "revision" that it's not going to be a one-off thing either. So it would be worth investing time in making your life easier by getting the machine to do stuff for you.

Even if you can only get 90% done, a single manual edit of the remainder to get them to be recognised by your scripts would be no great hardship.

You can certainly do it with this

Probably with Perl, using

Maybe with Python, using

> Ok what I'm trying to do is that I have over 400+ .doc
And I'm guessing that since you mention "revision" that it's not going to be a one-off thing either. So it would be worth investing time in making your life easier by getting the machine to do stuff for you.

Even if you can only get 90% done, a single manual edit of the remainder to get them to be recognised by your scripts would be no great hardship.

With using VBA how can I parse a paragraph down and enter in text say like from a textbox in the userform? I've been playing VBA for last couple hours and can't find whole lot info on it. Thanks.

I've no idea how you actually do it in any of those things, only that you can (with enough research and effort).

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