Good day guys HELP im nowhere Close to any of these TITles :)
Hey I have a problem
I created My web CV on a web page.. . . . to better My chances of getting in to an IT company so i can earn enought to go and study. . . . . But i only have One problem The infomation that i added is Place on My HDD(C drive) is there any way i can attech it to the Whole link . . . .in s Such away that you need to Click the link. to open it. . and click on personal Info to see . . . and educational . . . ect

What kind of file is the one that you want them to see?

Thank you for getting Back at me . . . I place My CV as a web page . . . . Im nt really fimilair With the names Of all the Buttons . . but i place a link in it to redirect it to a certain area . . . . . the same Button that is used to Submit or reply . . .. The information i want to acsess is in HTML format . .. . . . but on another web page is there a way i Can access a link that will direct the user to click on E.G personal details
and my persondetails open . . . i know that i have to put it on the same web page But i dont want it to show Unless a link is Clicked

You need to upload your CV on some website if is stored on your pc nobody else can access it. Do google search for free hosting and set up your website

Thank you man . . . . there is no way i can set it on the
web page its self nhe
I really aprecialte it

Thank you man . . . . there is no way i can set it on the
web page its self nhe
I really aprecialte it

Sorry your respond doesn't make any sense...

There are a number of free file hosting sites on the Internet. Just paste the url to the file from that site into the link you have on your page.

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