Well, you all submitted links to your site and a random selection of them are being displayed here for our poll.

You can find all entries in this thread:
Good luck to all !! :) Now that we're selling advertising space over here, 2 months of free banner ads on our homepage is definitely a prize!

C'mon people! Vote vote vote! Two months of free banner impressions on the DaniWeb homepage is certainly nothing to shy away from!

I voted for my own site *grin*
4 votes now, sweety!

Everybody that votes for vBulletin.nl will get a hug from me, and if that is not enough, a big smile!

Congratulations, although I think not enough people voted. :(

I'm going to have to abstain. None of the sites grab me.

Congratulations, although I think not enough people voted. :(

Hopefully more people will vote in the contests forum in the future. The poll has been open for almost two months though.

The contest has been over for quite awhile now anyways. :)

Any new contests going on at this moment ? Since the last one is 2 years old now. Maybe we all just needed some more experience. Hee Hee!

Any new contests going on at this moment ? Since the last one is 2 years old now. Maybe we all just needed some more experience. Hee Hee!

Dani and I were talking about a contest a while ago. It's ultimately up to Dani, since she provides the prize. Maybe we'll have a contest that doesn't entail graphic design, because it's unfair for some that are talented in other areas of computing. We'll see. I intend to go all out in the next contest though, as I missed my chance last time. :cool:

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