Anyone know how I can tell how many days are in each month? A formula would be really nice.

For non-leap years, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31. For leap years, add one to February using the formula:

((year MOD 4 = 0 AND year MOD 100 <> 0) OR year MOD 400 = 0)

Thanks! Now I just need to find some cool things to do with dates!

>Now I just need to find some cool things to do with dates!
How about a program that can unravel the mess? :D

I'm trying to do something that will help me learn a little. I know all the easy stuff but I can't find anything to do with pointers and references. I have add and subtract functions, but none of those require me to use references or points :(

Do you want to learn about time and date programming or about references and pointers? You would be better off playing with some high level data structures for the latter.

I don't really care about date/time programming, but I just wanted to start a program that could possibly give me some good experience. I'm most interested in getting more experience with pointers and references, so I thought I could implement something in the date class I was making, but was wrong.

See, the two functions I have return dates, because that seems to be the most sensible approach:

Date Date::add(Date addThis)

At first I was hoping for a function that used references or pointers, but it would turn out messy, and kind of stupid:

void Date::add(Date addThis, Date &ref)

The only way I could think of using references was to provide a second paramenter, which seems like a terrible solution.

I hope you see what I'm getting at even though I don't write very clear!
Anyways, I'm reading three different books and got more than enough experience with refs and pointers with in text reading, but I want hands on experience. I just can't seem to find something useful to do. I mean, almost everything I think can be done returning the object rather than using a reference.

Any of that make sense! ;)

>I'm most interested in getting more experience with pointers and references
Write a balanced binary search tree. That will give you plenty of experience with pointers. See below for a recommendation to get a handle (pun intended) on references.

>which seems like a terrible solution.
Probably because it is.

>I mean, almost everything I think can be done returning the object rather than using a reference.
Create your own stream. You'll be forced to use references heavily. ;)

Thanks Narue!
I believe I'm going to try the binary search tree first. It won't be till this weekend, but look around for me in the ++ forum, just in case I have problems ;)

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