I hope this is the right forum.

Is there any benefit to keeping an e-mail address with a provider like Yahoo or Gmail, as opposed to only using one at your own domain? For example, if you have a you@yourdomain.com account, would there be any legitimate reason to keep your you@gmail.com account? I'd imagine an address we can access even if our website goes down would be handy, but that's the only reason I can see not to close our other accounts.

i have never ever had any problems with my me@gmail account but my own domain emails sometime give me problems, rather i send a copy of my own domain to my gmail it works great and i am always on

i have never ever had any problems with my me@gmail account but my own domain emails sometime give me problems, rather i send a copy of my own domain to my gmail it works great and i am always on

What kinds of problems have you had with your own domain? We haven't had problems with Gmail either, but Yahoo seems to constantly have problems (e-mail search returns nothing, read messages appear unread, messages appear out of date order).

i also find that mails don't get to certain yahoo mails, at our own domain its like a ghost story some mail just never get to the intended recipient, it is not in the junk mail neither in any other spam related mail and there is no pattern to why it does not show, i would say 1/1000 mails just vanishes forever :)

I wonder how much of that had to do with your web host or email system. I've known emails to vanish from Hotmail (I think) when I used it several years ago. We'll see how it goes using our email accounts own domain primarily.

I never reply to emails with service offers received from gmail account. yourname@yourdomain.com always looks more professional. The only benefit (i mean first of all business professionals) there is in Gmail is online mail client. And even this can be obtained with Google APP - you sltill can have yourname@yourdomain.com account hosted by Google mail server.

Anton @ Website Designers

i never receive any funny mail in my g mail (touch wood) and had the mail account for couple of years now

I never reply to emails with service offers received from gmail account. yourname@yourdomain.com always looks more professional. The only benefit (i mean first of all business professionals) there is in Gmail is online mail client. And even this can be obtained with Google APP - you sltill can have yourname@yourdomain.com account hosted by Google mail server.

Anton @ Website Designers

I've heard that, which is part of why I'm seeing less reason to keep a Yahoo/Gmail account. We access our e-mails through webmail accounts on our site so that hasn't been a problem.

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