Recently I saved a 10 minutes speech on a PC digital recorder. I already transfered the file to my computer which file format is Wave. At the time I'd tryed to insert it in the site builder gallery it started but never ends the upload process.

I thoungh it was because of the large content, I recorded a 1 minute speech and the same happened.

Am I doing, something wrong?

I just need to insert voice recording from my digital recorder to my web page and make it start in a automatic form.

If you are not trying to embed the file in a web page, you upload it to your server and access it like any other hyperlink.

<a href="yourSpeech.wav">Your Speech</a>

I appreciate your help, I tryed what you just suggested. But it did not work to have the voice recording in my website. I really don't know what I am doing wrong.:o

What I need is to transfer my voice from a digital voice recorder to my website but I want the sound to autostart as the web page is loaded. The problem I am having is on the upload process.

Can you or anyone else give me some help with this? the file format of this recording is wave.:sad:

have a look at the EMBED tag. this makes it possible to autostart audio. start.

You need to embed the sound.

<embed src="yourFile.wav" width="0" height="0" autostart="true" />

wow you really waited for this? If i was in your case, i would just go search on google and surely i would see a website that has full info of what i needed. Rather than to wait for such a long reply :)

I thought the purpose of forums was to ask for help on issue you may need, and or offer assistance to others who may have an issue you have encountered and know the solution to. I'm sure he was aware that it may take some time to get a reply and if he posted here, then he was most likely perfectly fine with waiting for what we hope is some quality feedback and assistance. While I am a firm believer that you should first try to help yourself and do as much research as possible before posting your question to a forum, practically telling someone to hit search engines and not bother to post IMHO is just not cool. That gives the poster a feeling that he is asking the "dumb' question, and no question asked is dumb. The only dumb question is the one NOT asked. I'm new to the forums, but as in any forum we want to promote an open and positive place for people to ask questions.

**Steps off soapbox**

I thought the purpose of forums was to ask for help on issue you may need, and or offer assistance to others who may have an issue you have encountered and know the solution to. I'm sure he was aware that it may take some time to get a reply and if he posted here, then he was most likely perfectly fine with waiting for what we hope is some quality feedback and assistance. While I am a firm believer that you should first try to help yourself and do as much research as possible before posting your question to a forum, practically telling someone to hit search engines and not bother to post IMHO is just not cool. That gives the poster a feeling that he is asking the "dumb' question, and no question asked is dumb. The only dumb question is the one NOT asked. I'm new to the forums, but as in any forum we want to promote an open and positive place for people to ask questions.

**Steps off soapbox**


You are absolutely correct...this IS the place to ask questions. Please don't be discouraged but the wayward ill comments of the few.

Diiferent people, different ideas...
One message, different understanding ...

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