Hello Friends, Yesterday I typed a post indicating I purchased new memory and an audio card. Well this morning I discovered the motherboard was fried...:sad: . So today I purchased a new mother board. Thank you so much for those who offered suggestions yesterday. Now, I hit the power button and it boots up to tell me to hit f1 to set up cmos and then it shuts down.:confused: . I am open to suggestions. Once again thanks in advance.

If it happens consistantly in the same spot, it's most likely not your power supply. Power supplies generally work or they don't work at all.

It sounds like you're having problems with your BIOS/CMOS. Did you put the BIOS from your old motherboard in this new motherboard?

No I didn't however...when the computer boots up I get a cmos checksum error. I usually do pretty well with computers but I have no idea what that means. Thanks for helping me

Ah, then your CMOS battery is probably dead. Find out what type it is, and order a new one.

how do i do that?

Hi Joe, My son just showed up and he took the cmos battery off the old motherboard, the one that fried and tried it. The same thing happened. Think it could still be cmos battery?

Hi Joe, My son just showed up and he took the cmos battery off the old motherboard, the one that fried and tried it. The same thing happened. Think it could still be cmos battery?

Could be... the battery from the fried motherboard likely isn't much better off than the current one in your computer, but I'm confused as to why the new battery causes these problems.

But no, I still doubt it's a power supply problem...

He's going to pick me up one in the morning. I use the computer to work so thank goodness for laptops...lol. May I contact you again if I still have an issue? Again I can't thank you enough for assisting me.

He's going to pick me up one in the morning. I use the computer to work so thank goodness for laptops...lol. May I contact you again if I still have an issue?

Sure, but you generally get faster help if you post in the forums instead of private-messaging users, plus that's strongly encouraged here. Don't worry, I'll see your thread.

Again I can't thank you enough for assisting me.

No problem. :)

The new MB you bought, is it really new, or is it a used one? Because if it's new, you should take it back and have it replaced, because you should have warranty on it.

Anyhow, this is not a PS issue, more like a CMOS battery being dead, ot the CMOS itself being damaged. You can try re-flashing the BIOS, that might help.

ok that issue is resolved. the solution was there was not sufficient thermal grease on the cpu. now when i boot up i get the blue death screen....i know so many issues. any ideas????

ok that issue is resolved. the solution was there was not sufficient thermal grease on the cpu.

Heh, that would do it. Did the motherboard come with its own CPU, reinsert the old one into this new motherboard, or buy a new one?

now when i boot up i get the blue death screen....i know so many issues. any ideas????

That's probably because when your motherboard got fried, it took your hard drive along with it. I wouldn't trust it, so you should probably buy a new hard drive as soon as possible.

Install Windows on the new drive, and if you have important data on the drive, I'd suggest inserting both drives into the computer, and then copying any data that's still left on the drive onto the new hard drive.

Yeah, the HDD might be troublesome, but I'd first just try to reinstall. Maybe the old windows installation just doesn't like the new MB, and reinstalling everything over might fix things

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