Hi Guys

I need some ideas for my third year project. I am good in PHP, MySQL, VB.NET, HTML, can try JAVA. My interest is in Information knowledge management. Anything with connection to the databases will be appreciated.:-)

You could try a contact management system.

Can you please elaborate it a bit more Muta?

I was thinking because it is a academic project doesn't have to be anyting that fancy, and base on your interest you could do a system that hook into a database system. e.g Northwind database in access/sql and take out the sales information about the customer. e.g sales per month, quater, year, most popular product, etc. You also make this information available to the customers via the web for them to update, the list goes on.
Hope this help

For a project I made a Content Management System using PHP and MySQL. I can post some code if you want

Make a library management system add book, find book ,etc.

I was thinking because it is a academic project doesn't have to be anyting that fancy, and base on your interest you could do a system that hook into a database system. e.g Northwind database in access/sql and take out the sales information about the customer. e.g sales per month, quater, year, most popular product, etc. You also make this information available to the customers via the web for them to update, the list goes on.
Hope this help

Thanks Muta. This sounds like a nice idea. Thank you very much:)

For a project I made a Content Management System using PHP and MySQL. I can post some code if you want

Please can you please post some codes?

It is (very) basic. There is a thread here somewhere, just search the forums for "CMS - Help Needed"

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