I just read a blog post where the author states that to maximize your SEO efforts, and the benefits as well, the SEO specialist or team inside an organization should share the SEO strategy with a number of different parties within the enterprise so that everyone is working towards the same goal within their specialty. Suggested groups were the developers (as they are the ones who are implementing on the tech side and will think of things the SEOer won't), copywriters (so that they can create the keyword rich content that spiders love), the PR, Blogging and Social Media teams (seems like a no brainer) and any other advertising teams within the enterprise. These all seem reasonable to me and I am curious if anyone disagrees with any or all of this and if so why?

I totally agree. During my time in the interactive agency world, I found that bringing a room mix of techies, creatives, digital analytics, and strategists brought a wealth of insights to improve the interactive deliverable.

I would say the one group I would want no where near this is the sales force.

Ya, i completely agree. You need to share useful strategies with your team to get the best result.

The worst case scenario is when one team finds out what was done and says, "I should have been involved in this process from the beginning."

You need to train and motivate people how to manage multiple work effectively.

So many strategies might come to your mind regarding promoting and optimizing the websites. SEO might not be that complex as many people assume actually because their actions tend to make the whole thing even more complicated.

I do believe with certain websites, it is good to have a multi-disciplinary approach to SEO - at least at the planning stage.

I totally agree. During my time in the interactive agency world, I found that bringing a room mix of techies, creatives, digital analytics, and strategists brought a wealth of insights to improve the interactive deliverable.

Now you are dealing with a number of different personalities and egos in that case. When I have done that in the past I found myself catering to everyones egos to keep the peace. Did you have the same situation?

I just read a blog post where the author states that to maximize your SEO efforts, and the benefits as well, the SEO specialist or team inside an organization should share the SEO strategy with a number of different parties within the enterprise so that everyone is working towards the same goal within their specialty. Suggested groups were the developers (as they are the ones who are implementing on the tech side and will think of things the SEOer won't), copywriters (so that they can create the keyword rich content that spiders love), the PR, Blogging and Social Media teams (seems like a no brainer) and any other advertising teams within the enterprise. These all seem reasonable to me and I am curious if anyone disagrees with any or all of this and if so why?

we are going to create such "sharing programm" inside our organization

The best statergy for the seo Keyword-rich text. The majority of a site's pages should contain the words and phrases the target audience types into search queries. Pages should appear somewhat focused on these important keyword phrases, and the phrases should be featured prominently on the page. Otherwise, the page won't convert well or receive consistent search engine traffic over time. Keyword research and copywriting for individual HTML tags are a part of this building block.

we are going to create such "sharing programm" inside our organization

Good luck and be prepared for the usual jockeying for prominent position and ego massaging that is necessary most of the time when you are bringing different groups together on a project.

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