I just read a report based on Experian/Hitwise data that showed that the majority of searchers use 3 or more key phrases. Keeping this in mind, would you optimize your site to included longer search phrases?

You may very well optimize your website for three key phrases. You can do that by including the Key Phrases in the Title Tags and build your links accordingly. You may also include the targeted key phrases in the contents.

Longer keyphrases come on 1st page in short time. This way you can bring some traffic to a new website that would take long for its top keywords to come on first page.

I just read a report based on Experian/Hitwise data that showed that the majority of searchers use 3 or more key phrases. Keeping this in mind, would you optimize your site to included longer search phrases?

Depending on the semantics of the phrase, I would probably optimize for the most popular of the three and let the SE's sort the rest out. In other words, if you can pull for one of the three similar phrases, you will naturally pull for the other two. That is, assuming your page is well optimized and of merit.

I look at it this way. For each website, I optimize for primary keyphrases (up to 5) then work the secondary and auxiliary keyphrases using word variations, abbreviations, acronyms, pluralization, altering prefixes and suffixes, morphology, antonyms, synonymous keyphrases...

Using these type of word variables enforces your primary keyphrases and offer a "long tail" keyphrase target approach. The search engines are intelligent today. As an example, they understand that a webpage revolving around SEO is credible when enforced with such terms as "search engine optimisation", "Internet marketing" and "website promotion" be scattered amongst the web page content.

Such long tail key-phrases shouldn't be used with greater frequency, also you should mix up the phrase in a variety of natural language sentences.

it is possible to optimize for 3 keywords.. insert into meta tags.. and start to build backlinks with all 3 keywords as anchor text

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