What are the Meta tags are ? What having benefits in SEO ?

Ezzaral commented: Seems to me anyone spamming an SEO company in their sig should know the answer to this. -2

At their simplest, Meta tags are html attributes that are added to the <head> of a web page. The most common tags are <title> (title of your page),<meta description (description of your web page), and <meta keywords. Modifying these basic attributes of each web page will help tell the search engine bots what your page is about.

Isn't it true that search engines don't pay attention to a lot of the meta keywords any more?

Isn't it true that search engines don't pay attention to a lot of the meta keywords any more?

The search engines pay attention to everything.

search engines def. pay attention to meta tags...

Meta tags are HTML codes that are inserted into the header on a web page, after the title tag. In the context of search engine optimization, when people refer to meta tags, they are usually referring to the meta description tag and the meta keywords tag.

Metatags is the main part of SEO. it is ON page work. we use relevant keywords to make metatags. metatags play a important part for increasing the ranking of any website.

Meta tags are important as well as keywords. all that contains tags it's impoortant!

meta tags are important for SEO..meta tags like description, robot are very useful...

I heard Google stopped considering meta tags.Is that true?

Create effective well formated meta tags for your website with this meta tag generator, a free SEO tool available online.

Meta tags includes of title, descriptions, keywords of the site.

Meta tags are very very important for keyword rank specially meta title and description but meta keyword has no value because google change their algorithm for spam protection.

yes, is true. search engines pay attention to everything.

Isn't it true that search engines don't pay attention to a lot of the meta keywords any more?

Yes, I am agree with you that meta tags provides basic information about the web pages through robots to search engines But recently I come to know that many search engines didn't read meta tags because of the misuse of meta tags or black hat seo techniques.

Meta tags are HTML/XHTML element used to provide structured meta data about a web page. There are two types of meta tag i.e. meta description tags and meta keyword tags. Meta description tag describe the web page and gives the summary of web page to Google and other search engines.

when u do SEO theres 2 main types of optimization. Onsite optimization (meta tags,keyword,tittles etc)and off site optimization (backlinks building).The meta tgs are found on the top of your index page that are description, keywords tittle etc.

Hope it helps

<snipped links>

From the perspective of web pages, meta tags is the html part, from seo point of view, meta tags are displayed in google search results capture an important part of

Meta tags are HTML tags which is very helpful in on-page optimization. It includes in the head tag.

A meta tag is a type of HTML code that gives information about a page. It does not in any way affect how a page will appear and it’s not something viewers will see.

However, it is vital in describing what a page is about, what the company does, or who made the page. In relation to SEO, a meta tag description is an ideal location for keywords. Meta tags are read by search engines when indexing the Web.

Hi ,

Meta Tag's are those words which are visible in the Google in the form of Title, Description (Snippet) .These are called title ,description and Keyword. Title and Description are playing major role in seo because these are considering by the Google.

Meta tags are basically for the search engine crawlers to get crawled your website as well as indexed in the search engine. So the main purpose of SEO that is make your site visible in front of the internet market that is going to be fulfilled with the use of this technique. Meta tag creation is basically the part of on page optimization technique.

Meta tags are important. Search engine pay attention to everything which is in the coding.

Meta tags are important. Search engine pay attention to everything.

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