<Meta NAME> and <Meta HTTP-EQUIV>
Hello guys, i am recently observed these meta tags in websites source file and that websites position in search engine is in top rank.
are these meta tags are useful to get top rank in search engine?
what are the difference between <META HTTP-EQUIV="keywords" and <meta name="keywords"

Can someone please explain to me what is a Meta Tag? And, what role does it play in SEO?


Firstly, I would like to mention that the most important and useful meta tag these days would be <META name="description" content="a description of your page">.

Secondly, <Meta NAME> and <Meta HTTP-EQUIV> are both optional meta tags and would not have direct impacts on SEO. <Meta HTTP-EQUIV> would relate to HTTP response header.

all the best,

I agree with AirForceOne, Meta tags are important. Meta Keywords are not important for Google but other Search engines are count it.

Meta description is the important one but what you are talking about is something else.

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