Hi Forum masters.

I have some knowledge about SEO but I came to know a word which is of new technique of SEO. I want to know about footer links in SEO category. So, is there anybody who can tell me that what footer link is and what is a benefit in SEO?

In home page if you give links to your inner pages using images or some java script then google cant crawl that link in this case if you give same links in footer section then it is easy for the spider to crawl that page

Site after site that I visit lately has been showing a tendency for using footer links to run their internal SEO link structure and anchor text optimization.

Footer links may be devalued by search engines automatically...
Footer links are often not the first link on the page to a URL....
Footer links often take a page beyond a healthy link total...
Footer links can be a time suck.....

There was a good article on seomoz about footer links that will clear out you everything, you can easily search it in google

you can give you your target keywords in footer menu, it will help to increase the keywords SERP position.. how its help?
you keywords shows is at least 3 times in home page, after that you have to target easy in Google search engine..

Footer is the lower portion of the website which is very important for On-page optimization of your website. Google can crawl these links more easily and they are also good for people to easily navigate when they reach on the end of the page...


In my own experiences, footer links would have less values than it used to be since the contextual links would be more valuable than such link list for SEO purpose. :)

all the best,

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