
My website is a very special one: Unlike blogs/forums, which have different content on different pages. My website has the same category of content with searchable interfaces. The result is: The contextual-based ads rarely change, and the interest-based ads have the best performance.

I wonder that is it possible to set my website with only interest-based ads. That may increase my revenue as well as Google's.


For interest based ads We would recommend you to go for affiliate marketing or either ppc from many big marketing sites. You can look at Affiliate marketing sites over google and make register with them and choose for the ads you want.

I would suggest you to go for link share and dgm.Like these there are lot of sites which provide ads of your choice.

Good luck

Yahoo also apply your ad interest opt-out to certain products they offer

I believe you would want a company like monetizeit to do affiliate offers.

I would contact several ad networks for your request. They may be able to fill your site with appropriate ads as opposed to the generic ones you're getting. Google Ad Sense should be really good with that. I'm surprised you're having problems with them.

From the AdWords side, you can choose to target by remarketing or by interest-only (not keyword based). But you can't choose this from the AdSense side. As mentioned, perhaps another ad network or affiliate programs might be a better fit for you if you feel that the same ads are consistently decreasing your CTR.

I would contact several ad networks for your request. They may be able to fill your site with appropriate ads as opposed to the generic ones you're getting. Google Ad Sense should be really good with that. I'm surprised you're having problems with them.

I think you misread. They are not getting generic ads. They are getting very relevant ads, but their entire site is so specific and so niche to a certain topic, that they get the exact same ads all the time on all the pages. They feel like they are missing out b/c their small audience keeps seeing the same ads all the time and so the CTR is permanently decreased over time.

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