Hello friends,
What is the Internal Linking and how we do the internal linking?What is the importance of the internal linking?

Internal linking is the part of on page SEO in which you can connect webpages to each other for web crawlers to find all pages of your website. Apart from that you can use XML site to index fast by submitting it on google webmaster tools.

The main purpose of the internal linking is simple and easy navigatin. It is play a vital and important role for building a PR and ranking of your site.

An internal link is a hyperlink that is a reference or navigation element in a document to another section of the same document or to another document that may be on or part of the same website or domain of the internet.

You ever analyze the backlinks of keyphrase competitors who have a landing page with a PR0 Google Pagerank rating? Often they rank well because of a powerful internal linking structure. A well built and constantly evolving web site that has already established credibility with the search engine can muster up some serious ranking influences internally over time. This applies to all internal links: navigational links, site map web pages, image links and the powerful combination of naturally positioned anchor links throughout paragraph content pointing to relevant main pages.

Not only that, Google doesn't really seem to differentiate much from how it assigns value between internal and external hyperlinks, when it comes to ranking web pages in the search results pages.

It definitely assigns PR value differently by rewarding incoming (external) links with PR value whereas internal links don't seem to get any although they might somehow.

asy navigatin. It is play a vital and important role for building a PR and ranking of your site.

To make user friendly structure so that one can easily found your services and products pages.Internal linking is makes navigation easy.

We all know that internal links are the links within your website that enable visitors to get from one page to another.An internal link allows you to link to another section on the same web page, so it basically scrolls the page up or down to the desired location. This is helpful to the user to quickly jump to the information he/she is looking for.

It is a hyperlink. It is a navigation element in a document to another section of a same document. Internal linking allows you link another section on the same webpage.

In referring to an internal linking strategy, the strategic objective here is not to gain back-links with a view to attaining an improvement in Google PageRank but to direct visitors to the web page that offers the business most benefit from the time the visitor spend on the site. All too frequently, visits last just a few seconds or if a link is followed the page visited is not that which might have brought the business most benefit.

A good user experience is important to Google. They want users to find what they want in the quickest and best possible way. In SEO perspective, this likely implies identifying your most competitive pages and ensuring that these pages contain keywords that could give them the best possible edge of attaining higher rankings.

Internal Linking is the element of on page factor...this linking done with in site for user and crawler to go through other link in your site. And if internal links are broken than it make bad impression on crawlers.

As per my opinion Internal linking leads users to other pages within the website. Internal linking makes navigation easy for users and improve user experience of the website. Internal linking is considered as an important factor of on page optimization as passing the link value.

Internal linking generate backlinks when you add anchor linking in your content site which redirect to your own site

This is the process of linking internal pages used keyword on any other page this is called as internall linking, this is quite benifical for the search engine ranking

Internal Links are most useful for establishing site architecture and spreading link juice. At its core, an internal link adds value to your pages in a manner similar to third party links to your site.

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