Hi frnds:
Define site map and its benefits

Sitemaps simply provide your notifications, content updates, website changes to Search Engines on daily, weekly basis.

Sitemap contains links of all the pages on our site. Sitemap helps google while searching any page. crawlers take information from stemap and show the results. So sitemap is very important for search engines point if view.

Sitemap has two type XML and HTML and make for understand the website easily with all pages link. XML sitemap are for search engine and HTML is for user.

google sitemap are also important for the on page seo

Sitemap collects links of all page in the website. If we have sitemap on the website it helps to google for crawling. Sitemap is imporatnt from ranking point of view.

Sitemaps is key to instruct the google search engine's to crawl our websites.

It is used to tell about the structure of your site to google to make a crawl ovwer it

Sitemap is a list of all page sof your website which tells search engine spiders to crawl and index all pages.

Sitemap is list of pages of a website from where user and search engine crawler acess the website.Sitemap helps to crawlers and users to find inner pages of your website.sitemaps are used to inform search engines immediately about any changes in the structure of your site.

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