I m a PHP developer. i want to start working in open source. Can u tell me what is OScommerce and how it works. i just want to know what is the use of OScommerce and how it works and what i need to do to start working in OScommerce. Is it another language i need to learn to work with OScommerce. Please help me.


OSCommerce is an open source e-commerce platform. While I support open source in almost every aspect, dealing with clients' credit cards I do not, since open source is just that open source which means anyone can find holes in the system.


If you're not sure what OScommerce is, than odds are you don't need it. :)

I think your first step should be to decide what type of project you want to focus on. Do you want to create a blog? A forum? etc

Uhm, just wondering if you even googled osCommerce. It just happens to be a eCommerce software package under GNU GPL. I am assuming that you didnt know that though, because of all the questions, BTW it does run on php. SO I guess you don't need to learn any new languages, but if you really want to work with OScommerce go ahead and download the package and read through some documentation. That's how I start to understand projects. If you have your own php enabled server, you could probably set osCommerce up and tinker with it some. Open Source is ok, and for some things it is wonderful. When it comes to eCommerce though you definitely want a package that is stable and secure. And SECURE means using SSL so you better know about certificate signing and other stuff or at least have a ISP that knows how to set it up for you. Of course getting into Open Source projects is really simple. If you want php open source go to sourceforge.net and search for description:(PHP) . Look through those projects until one twinkles in your eye, and dig in. Download the package, read documentation, and let a new experience begin. ;)

osCommerce (“open source Commerce”) is an e-commerce and online store-management software program. It can be used on any web server that has PHP and MySQL installed. It is available as free software under the GNU General Public License.

OsCommerce is just one of the open-source ecommerce platform to create feature rich shopping carts. Just search on google for that and you will find tons of information regarding this.

OSCommerce is an open source platform for ecommerce website design and development. It offers shopping cart designed and developed by them to start new website.

Electronic commerce describes the purpose or function of a software application. Os Commerce (the "OS" stands for "open source") is a type of e-commerce application.
The term "open source" means that the code "open source" is "open" to allow users to access the source code to modify and change the software functions.

Most E-Commerce 'solutions' are based on OSCommerce open source code

OS Commerce is an online shop that allows online stores to be setup fairly quickly with ease, and is available for free as an Open Source based solution released under the GNU General Public License.

its not a language..
its an ecommerce software which is made php.
if your website needs ecommerce online selling website,its easier to use oscommerce as we just needs to download it in the folder and install as per the instruction and then customise it with the design..Thats it..

although there are many ecommerce software in the market,i am not specifying it in this thread as your query is regarding oscommerce

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