How do i increase my facebook page likes (fans)? need some tips.

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Hello There

You can Use social bookmarking to create links to you FB page. That will earn traffic for you and more traffic means more likers.


Add facebook like button to your site or recommended your friends to suggest all its friends to your page.

Thanks for your response, I will try these methods.

Well join relevant groups and add friends from there who will have interest in the services that you are offering.. Then send request to those users.. If you are giving good enough services, they will surely become your fan..

Now I am using Twiends tool to increase my facebook fans and its working good.

well you can add more friends...and then suggest your fanpage to them...the more interest related friends you'll make, the more fans you'll get...

Twiends is the best tool that give me Likes(fans), till now.

Suggest it to ur frnds..

best way to get like from people is to interact with them at regular bases.. and suggest them you links too to get likes..

Social bookmarking and posting on forum and blogs will help you out to get more fans. it's not one day process..i will suggest make your post for globsl people.

How does Twiends works can anyone explain...

Well you signup first for sure.. and than link your Facebook account/page with it... and now you have to gain some credit and than that credit will be offered to other peoples... like for instance 2 credit for 1 Like it the minimum there...
just gain credit from the options like website visits, Facebook likes, Twitter following.... these all will give you credit to offer for the like to your attached account/page...

Creating back links to your Facebook page by giving non-spam comments to different blogs as well as joining to different communities. Perhaps these may helpyou in increasing your Facebook fans.

For increasing the likes of facebook you can make a page that is attractive to eyes, the media used on it matters a lot,try to use the attractive media like pictures and stuff. posting your page link in the comments of popular pages, recommend your page everywhere you can use tagging also.

Maintain your facebook page with new trending posts and attractive infromation bring more likes to your facebook.Invite your friends to like the pages. Share you facebook pages throuh various channels.If the page is eye catching Likes will automatically increase.

Suggest your facebook page to your friends to like it

Post high quality engaging content. Perhaps post some relevant memes to your niche and bosot the post for 10 dollars to get more likes to your page.

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