Hi there. I read blogs and articles about social media and I am still confused with the Google +1. I already know its meaning and description but how does it work well? How it can add benefits to my blog site and others' business sites? I hope that you could help me here in my queries. Thanks.

As I understand - you put this button to your website and the more clicks the better :)

But I haven't seen any positive comments yet from people who get some benefits from this tool

Its like Facebook Like button where i think so :P

Oh I see. But how will I add that button to my site? Is it through codes or an equivalent widget? Thank you for your replies. I appreciate it all.

Something like facebook+twitter+chat :) Just get an invite and try it out for yourself.

Yes Google + is a form of social bookmarking released by Google to compete with the facebook 'like'.

You can hard code it into your website or add it to a CMS like wordpress using a plugin (much the same as adding a retweet button).

If you are keen you can seek out an invite and get in there and give it a go.

The google + 'rating' has started to appear in search results and so may influence clicks from organic searches and be used as a 'social signal' by google. Social signals have growing importance as a ranking factor in how google place your website in their search results and so chasing google +'s could be a way to increase your search engine rankings and visitor traffic from organic search.

You can now see what benefit you are recieving from google + in your Google Webmaster Tools account.

Yes, Google +1 is like the Facebook Like
What you need to do is to add a piece of code to your website paragraph or to articles/blogs of your website. So that if people find your article or content good they may add +1 to your articles/blogs/content by logging in to their gmail A/Cs.

Google +1 is new implement of google, it's just like facebook, twitter as well, you can click +1 button which you like a website most...

Google Plus is a new competitor of facebook.It is a social networking site like Facebook.But It is different from facebook. In facebook we have to create a page to and get likes to promote our website. In Google Plus, We have not to create page or etc. Just open your Gmail id and give plus or minus point to promote a web site. Web site which gets maximum plus that will self ranked on top ten position of first page of google.

Why is everyone repeating the same answer?

I'm new to DaniWeb but seems its just a place to linkdrop?

commented: lnkdropping is something we are trying to deal with, but it's a hard battle to win +12

Google says by +1-ing a result you're giving it a recommendation, a stamp of approval. More +1's on a result means the site is more interesting.

Google +1 is new and top most advance social media site like facebook and twitter...Live chat application in G+ is awesome.

Google plus is new social networking website . its look like facebook

Wow. Thanks for that insight.

Glad you got to drop your SEO footer links on this thread, shame you didn't contribute anything.

commented: LOL +17
commented: yep +12

Hi there. I read blogs and articles about social media and I am still confused with the Google +1. I already know its meaning and description but how does it work well? How it can add benefits to my blog site and others' business sites? I hope that you could help me here in my queries. Thanks.

Since Google Plus has become so vogue of late, adding the +1 code to your WP site seems like a smart thing to do, for both enabling your readers to share your content but for adding to your site's social quotient and therefore SEO appeal to the bots.

I grabbed a nice WP plug-in that lets me add the +1 icon anywhere in my post. You might want to give it a shot and track the CTR on these. So far so good on my blog.

Are you talking about the Google Plus project i.e the social network project or just the G+ icon. G+ icon is similar to the Facebook like, where people can like or 'plus' the pages which they find interesting while browsing the internet. This icon allows them to share the links they like with others on the Google plus platform and also helps them to keep a record things they find knowledgeable around the web.

Thanks for your answers

Its a google ranking concept.

well google +1 is like a facebook like button where people socially share the post on their profiles

Google +1 is Google’s answer to the Facebook “like” button. It’s another way that Google is continuing to integrate social media into everything it does. In a way, what it really does is add the human touch back into its own search algorithm by allowing people to actually vote for content they like. Google +1 creates a way that you can influence search results for yourself and people who are connected by giving content you “like” your own personal approval.

Google will use this information to find what you like, and recommend content that it believes you may interested in. In their own words it’s going to help “friends, contacts, and others” find the best stuff.

Well, for a blogger I think google+ can be really helpful since the user manages his friends into "circles". For example I have my friends sorted into circles like "friends, work, same hobbies, music, people from university" and so on. So you can market to very topic related target groups. I hope there will be a book about google+ very soon.

I read enough opinions coming from you, guys. And I thank you all for giving time to reply and share your own understanding and knowledge about Google+. I also extend my appreciation to JC001 for noticing some part of this thread.

I already had a chance to get invited to join Google+ and it seems confusing at first but as I go along with the environment, I enjoy the features and sent invitations to my friends too.

It's good news dude. Google has released the google for whole globe. Now every one can enjoy it's hurdles, circles and hangouts.

Its just another form of social media to compete with, its just a button to draw attention and add additional setting for ranking with in the serps.

+1 helps the finder to find the best stuff on the web .

It’s another effort to make Google more social. Also a simple feature that's very powerful because it's part of a social network.

Google Plus is just like the Facebook Like. The more click you get, the more traffic you get to your website and more better it is.

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