For Google+ type (1+)

For Facebook type (like)

For Twitter type (Retweet)

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I prefer twitter, and it's what I use most often. It's quick and easy. Facebook is probably better for traffic because links can include a full description / recommendation. There's not as much garbage to sort through as with twitter. I don't know anyone who uses / likes Google +1.

I actually like and use them all. They each have their pros and cons. Such as Google+ having too few people at this time, and in my opinion Facebook is adding too many features rather than focusing on certain issues in their site and fixing them. Twitter is well, Twitter, it's a great service if you want to get a quick message out to many people at once.

Facebook has the critical mass and nothing else comes close as a result. My love affair with Twitter has fizzled somewhat as it is simply impossible to maintain any kind of real conversation with a social group given the message size limit. I use it mainly for linking to published articles these days, whereas I maintain conversations on Facebook. Google + will got he way of Buzz I suspect. Everyone I know who has tried it has gone on to drop it after a few weeks.

Google + will got he way of Buzz I suspect. Everyone I know who has tried it has gone on to drop it after a few weeks.

It seems like just a few weeks ago that I was reading all these tech blogs that were swearing Google+ was the wave of the future. While it wasn't the Facebook killer, these articles were recommending that businesses should start making plans to have a presence there. None of my friends have Google+ accounts, and I've seen only two business contacts on it.

So to answer the OP, we're trying to use Twitter and Facebook as much as we can....unless there is some kind of shift to Google+....which seems highly doubtful at this point.

I use both I have move my website to #2 in Google. It will #1 soom
Facebook i am using as more of a personnel ad manner


I mostly connected with facebook and twitter. For seo purpose, i am getting quality visits from facebook only.

1) Facebook
2) Twitter

Facebook is the no one choice of most of the common internet users while twitter is a good place for corporates which they can use for the news or announcements. Google plus is just inn in and we all are trying to figure out what else can we do on it apart from what facebook is already providing.


As per me all the social networks are the best and provide the best results. And people will use it as per their need.
But yet g+ has the speciality to affect the result of your site and also ranking of your site. And this other social network do not have. So now google+ is going to be use more and more for the business and it will be the huge network.

I choose for facebook :)

I use the three and Facebook is by far the best for traffic. Twitter stats have been quite good (the RTs not the actual clicks which is poor) and Google+ is quickly growing. It depends on what you need.

Google is the easiest to use in my opinion (1+)

When i post on G+ then that automatically appear on FB..
when i post on Twitter then automatically appear on FB..

some setting required...

both have their ways. as obvious facebook has more features to the user as tools and google plus is more limited to what you can do. but at the end they both share the data you intend to get our there.

My Choice is Facebook

as per as my knowledge is concerned both are good ... and if you want to ask one name so prefer google+

I use all of them as per requirment but i prefer facebook.

as i prefer google+ as it provides the the things which a general public is lookin for as it is light we can have video calls on a slow connection and sharing of videos or any articles to a specific group which i had never seen in any other system

In my opinion it is Facebook. Becasue Facebook has a huge number of traffic and they are active member of Facebook.

I like them all and use them often

I like them all

as per my knowledge i like facebook

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