Is G+ the beginning of Social Networking 3.0? Is it better than Facebook? Why? What? ANYBODY!!!!

The interface is better than Facebook (not a difficult feat), but my prediction is that Google+ will fail miserably since Facebook has already hit critical mass and will be extremely hard to compete with.

Actually I think google plus is great but it is still an attempt to play catchup to Facebook.

In coming days g+ will definitely beat the FB. As google is planning to use social networks more for providing the more relevant result. And google is planning to use the g+ network more for providing the more information in the results. So for getting the effective result for the site, people are going to use the g+ more and more than FB. And also g+ has its business platform which drive more users to it.

Let's face it, Google Plus sucks. It's fine to be late to the game (Facebook came when MySpace was already a hit, Google came when Yahoo!/MSN/Ask Jeeves were a hit), but you need a game-changing idea to win out. Google+ just isn't that radical to make anyone want to make the switch.

What Google+ has going for it is a billion webmasters who all want to rank higher in the search engine. Tying SERPS ranking into how many "google plus votes" a site has can make converts of webmasters, and the idea is that everyone else will then follow. Let's face it, just about every webmaster out there wants to do whatever Google tells them to do to rank higher -- and Google can use that power to push Google+. That might be JUST enough critical mass to make it worthwhile.

What about as a search engine? I reckon there'll be a few searches coming out of that machine. Things are pretty dynamic over there in the Google+ results. It'll take me a bit to figure out what's happening. They're fun though, little quick clean search results pop-downs ...

I tend to agree with the trend here on this thread. I think Google+ is too late in the game to catch Facebook. But,Google+ could become a semi force in due time. I'm willing to catch a ride and at least see if it doesn't have some benefits.

Canadafred, what do you mean as a search engine? You mean the ability to search for trends among users, harnessing the power of Google search? I can't see that as a make-it/break-it feature since anyone can create a social network and use Google's paid search appliance to harness the very same search capabilities. Not only that, but Google has even accepted he fact that Twitter is better at realtime search than they are.

Canadafred, what do you mean as a search engine? You mean the ability to search for trends among users, harnessing the power of Google search? I can't see that as a make-it/break-it feature since anyone can create a social network and use Google's paid search appliance to harness the very same search capabilities. Not only that, but Google has even accepted he fact that Twitter is better at realtime search than they are.

I like the way it shows results from searches. Little drop down menu with avatars. I like the way it displays search results in the order as to what it deems important at this time, throws in a spark here and there. It's an interesting dynamic, kinda' perplexing figuring out what makes a shared post get to the top of those results. The results seem to be based on a combination of credibility and real-time factors.

I agree with Narue - the interface is mych easier

The interface is better than Facebook (not a difficult feat), but my prediction is that Google+ will fail miserably since Facebook has already hit critical mass and will be extremely hard to compete with.

Java developer hut on - nothing I can use it for
Photographer hut on - love it, I can share my photos with public and receive critique, follow and chat with other photographers

So for me it has specific usage

Creating + Pages is fun. It is incredibly easy to rank stuff right now in G+ because hardly anyone is doing it right. And it doesn't appear to be another "just keep pumping out the spam ads like madmen all over the place" marketing successes, no. It is more based on human interactions socially and branding's everything here in Google+ Pages. I like the idea of first you are a human being then you can become branded business pages. You can also incorporate your other web entities to gain credibility in your brand. G+ to me is like attaching a powerful talking brochure to a limited web site/blog/Facebook marketing approach.

I read Google'll be unveiling a new toolbar over the next few days and there's other stuff coming up to incorporate in G+. As Google+ results are starting to infiltrate the web search results I see them smoking Facebook results out of the map in favour of their own social triggers in no time at all. Down they go. I would think that by ranking G+ pages in competitive markets now could provide a significant advantage over the keyphrase competitors in the very near future. I think it's mainly because of the simple conclusion that you'd be the first to gain credibility, in certain brand-like terms. It would be good to get in early in case this new G-frankenstein takes hold.

I already see the spammers amassing.

Try finding the friends it suggest you might want to follow, or follow you, in circled circles, that's an eye-opening introduction to Plus.

There is something I dislike about the results though. Often the associated link is in english but the poster's comments are in another language. So I know not the intent of the posting. It doesn't add any improvement finding things I could have found elsewhere easier. I would have wanted the results to incorporate whatever someone wrote about whatever it was I searched for, and if what they wrote added value to the content from elsewhere then ... maybe then offer it more highly ranked.

May be In coming days g+ will definitely beat the FB..Actually I think google plus is great but it is still an attempt to play catchup to Facebook.

I registered there, but I really don't like G+. I don't like its interface and look and feel...

I registered there, but I really don't like G+. I don't like its interface and look and feel...

I bet that reasons would be simple, it doesn't look and feel as facebook. Sorry your reasons are just weak. Example, any time Dani introduce new interface most of people hate it. Does it mean she will loose all these users. No.

Well as far as my opinion is concerned, I think that google plus is pretty much late to come up in this race. Like facebook is said to be recon all around the globe and I don't think so Google plus will be able to beat it.
But it surely will be somewhat popular but not more than facebook or equal to that.

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