
when puplishing a movie.dcr

on the web

and if this movie containing an animation picture , it does not appear to the user

only the text and the other simple picture

why it happen . and how to solve it ??

this picture appear when do it

You can't put one kind of movie file inside another kind of movie just by pasting it.

You are going to have to deconstruct the animated .gif file into its component images, and insert the proper number of copies of each individual image into the individual movie frames.

plz , can you explain more
how to do it

its for micromedia director mx 2004


i do it
with using some information from the " Help " from the programe it self.


but , do u know how i can publish it on the web and every 1 can see
just like the online's game
which the user can play it online

when i do it recently , its only apear to me
this was the adrress aperared in the web :
c://Desktop/Multimmedia/................ .html
they are my folder , so the other will not be able to see it !!!

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

The movie is a Shockwave movie. The movie requires shockwave player in system, which is perhaps installed in yours. Apart from that Shockwave movies requires certain extra things called Xtras for specific feature. They are more like plugins. In your case you have inserted Animated GIF, and to play that in Shockwave player you need that Xtra.

This Xtra called Animated GIF is part of Shockwave player. Reinstall Shockwave Player and try again. I dont know why is this happening. But Offline Shockwave Player installer comes as two packs(not sure if it is so now also). One in Full and other is compact. Maybe you have installed compact one.

commented: good advice +13

The movie is a Shockwave movie. The movie requires shockwave player in system, which is perhaps installed in yours. Apart from that Shockwave movies requires certain extra things called Xtras for specific feature. They are more like plugins. In your case you have inserted Animated GIF, and to play that in Shockwave player you need that Xtra.

This Xtra called Animated GIF is part of Shockwave player. Reinstall Shockwave Player and try again. I dont know why is this happening. But Offline Shockwave Player installer comes as two packs(not sure if it is so now also). One in Full and other is compact. Maybe you have installed compact one.

its solved now

the only remaining thing is how to upload my file on the web to let uesr see it online !!

Realize that the user will need the same player to see your page. Not everyone has it.

Do you have a website where you can publish the file? If not, check into some common hosts, like www.godaddy.com, www.networksolutions.com, etc., or google "hosting".

~ mellamokb

oh ,realy its need this!!

is not there any other way other then this ?
i will try if not , to have one in Lycos

Realize that the user will need the same player to see your page. Not everyone has it.

Here where the hourse is tied>>>i think its said like this

i mean , this waht i am searching and want to know more about it
if i publish my movie to .dir extention , then the one who does not have the program will not be able to see my movie.

so i need to publish in other way , and i choosed .swf "showckwave extention "
but does not know more about it

some members here say its possible to do it if i have my own site

i will try to do it

do you know how to get free site from lycos ?

i go to their site but all the free have a note next to them with price per year or month ???

Any free site please to do this ????

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

There are sevral. What services do you want from your service provider?? I mean you like nagging ads, or want PHP support etc....


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