hi... i am doing an animation 23 fps that lasts about 90 secs...(around 2000 frames)

I am trying to solve this problem i got but i cant find the solution...
The movie plays fine but when 4 words are supposed to animate in individually (these words are movie clips) the animation stops for miliseconds until it loads the word and then starts again. While all of my animations on the same movie look ok these just cant be fixed...

I tried animating both with actionscript and on the timeline but still the same problem...

Could it be that the reason is that i just added a new font on my pc and i am using that?
I cant think of anything else...:'(

When you preview the movie in the bandwidth profiler is there a big spike at the time the text comes in? If so preloader is the only thing I can think of.

Try using a device font.

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