I want to start web development, can anyone tell me that where do I start from or refer me to some tutorial...

Where you can start? Just google "web development tutorial" or go to library and get books like "web development for dummies"

The W3C has many great tutorials available.http://www.w3schools.com/. You can also learn alot by reverse engineering sites. Look at the site and look at the code. Don't steal code, but use it as a building block.

You can also learn alot by reverse engineering sites. Look at the site and look at the code.

Only if the site is based on HTML and some JavaScript or VBScript, because if you look at PHP, ASP, JSP you do not real real code only translation done by browser

commented: Very useful. +0

Buy domain, buy web hosting, create a file index.htm like

<h2> my first website

You are done.

commented: No need for sarcasm -1

all i did is look at good websites and learn from whats already made. makes learning more understandable... it worked for me.

You have to start with HTML then move towards CSS,PHP or ASP or JSP .HTML is most easy to learn and will give you a kick start

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