Where do you think is the best place to start?:?:

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Well, there are several places over the net where you could start. Here are few:

or you could search the web.

But where to start, what to learn first.
The basics of buliding a web page starts with HTML. Learn this first. Once you learn this, learn CSS and then JavaScript and then any server side PHP, ASP or ASP.NET.

Yeah, learn basic HTML then css then vb/java script and eventually move onto the server side languages like ASP,ASP.NET and PHP (usually with databases).

Best way to learn is using a text editor NOT something like dreamweaver IMHO.

One of the finest text resources I've ever used is "Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML" (O'Reilly). About $35 discounted. From that point I'd focus on CSS knowledge, then pursue JavaScript and PHP.
If you are using a PC, download and use NoteTAB Lite (free) as your text editor. On a Mac; Text Wrangler is nice, but does not have the Web tools/prompting of NoteTAB.
Good luck

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