I have recently been given the job for webmaster. The transition was not perfect and as of now, I have the user id and password but not the ftp host. Is there a site where I can use the domain name to find its FTP host? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

i think this is what you are searching for.

Using "cmd prompt"you can always ping the host name and get the IP of the server and try connecting to it with the given user name & password...

mmm u can use "windows explorer" if u use microsoft, just type ftp.domainname.com on the address bar and input user + password

hope it help

If your domain name is coliotz.com, it is most likely your FTP Host will be ftp.coliotz.com. I hope this helps.

Thank you everyone for the advice. For some reason, I am still unable to find it.

Ask the sysop.

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