i have created a web page which uses iframes to display data and display the titles on my website. the problem that i am having is that in ie6 is is displaying borders and the titles are being displayed properly.

if i want the titles displayed properly then i need to change the size of the iframe which then puts it out in all other browsers.

what is an alternative to an iframe. the titles and content of the page change as the buttons click is this still possible to achieve without the use of iframes.

i sorted this out with a bigger iframe. still not sorted out the problem with the border tho.

anyone no of a good tutorial which will help me stop using iframes as ie does not like them (or much else).

The real problem is that you can't put size styles (width, height) and nonzero surrounding styles (margin, border. padding) on the same tag. IE renders them in the opposite nesting order to the standard order used by FF and other browsers.

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