Hi there,

I have created a Flash movie, And i have the swf file,
This swf is local, I want the swf file to expire on a particular system date..
Its like when the the DATE is Expired, the swf cant play...

Any ideas, on How to do it?
I need this one to be solved urgenly.
Your help will be much appreciated..


Forgot to mention that the file is in the local,..
Its not in the server.

Why not just remove the swf file when the time is up? Set a reminder in outlook or something.

Thanks for the reply...

Since i am new in this, How do we set a reminder in outlook to remove the swf?

I dont know how to do it..
Any ideas..


A reminder per se wont remove the swf. You would have to manually remove it from the directory housing it, but within Outlook you can go to the calendar module click on the New button and enter the date/time you want to remember to remove the swf. Make sure to check the box that you do want a reminder and as long as Outlook is open on the day you set, a box will appear telling you to remove the SWF.

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