I am developing website for the company delivering wesite content writing and SEO copywriting services. What header design would you recommend me to use?

Since this is very serious business I would seriously avoid

1. Something that uses too many colours because it doesn't serve any purpose.

2. I wouldn't use any flash at all. (personal reasons ;))

3. I wouldn't use too much flashy fonts.

4. I will not give it a cartoon like appearance like with dark 3pt lines running across images etc with bright colours inside them.

Rather I would go for something which is not graphically too attractive that your visitors might get distracted with. Something plain and simple in 2 colours will probably do.

If you can tell us the colours in your mind then we can give you a better idea.

Give it a look of something like old paper and old traditional pen in the right hand top corner (ink pen). Use lesser images and also avoid flash because it doesn't reflect content writing services.

Just give it a look like the head part of the notepad and i'm sure it will rock.

No motion.

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