I am trying to upload a flash animated photo slide show to my website. I am using Nvu as my site editor and I am hosted through Bluehost. I have an html website and the slide show software (Amara) said that I should have no problem uploading my slide show to and html page, but it won't work. Does anybody have any ideas about how to do this?thanks!

I am trying to upload a flash animated photo slide show to my website. I am using Nvu as my site editor and I am hosted through Bluehost. I have an html website and the slide show software (Amara) said that I should have no problem uploading my slide show to and html page, but it won't work. Does anybody have any ideas about how to do this?thanks!

Post up the html for the page, make sure the html for the slide show loading mechanism gets included, and i will take a look at it.

ok buddy just embed this code at the place whree u want to put ur flash movie and replace the movie.swf with ur movie's name and path ok.

<embed src='movie.swf' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'></embed>

problem solved :)

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