I just found this site and look forward to learning from all of you !

I am trying to put a mp3 on my one page site. It is a song of the star spangled banner an since today is memorial day its kinda time sensitive. I have looked all over and tried to understand what everyother site says to do but nothing seems to work.

I have komposer as my html editor
I have hostgator as my hosting
I also have access to my cpanel (although I dont fully understand it)
I have filezilla for ftp transfer


you might want to try this in your html

<embed src="yourmusicfile.mid" autostart="true" loop="true"
width="2" height="0">
<bgsound src="yourmusicfile.mid" loop="infinite">

try this one

<bgsound src="your mp song path" loop="-1" volume="100" />
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