Hi Guys

I am currently studying an I.T degree at uni, which covers a lot of general I.T disciplines, web design, databases, programming etc. Although we get taught technical skills, such as C# and Php, I am at a loss a lot of the time when designing websites.

I never know if there are any best practices I should be following or industry rules I should use when designing a layout or when putting a site together. I was wondering if anyone who works in the industry would be up for sharing some of the web design best practices or top tips they have picked up whilst working as a web designer. It would be great for me to take on board some advice so early in my learning so i get a good foundation for what I am doing and get into good habits when designing, so that I can produce quality work.

Would be great to hear from anyone, really appreciate your time.

kind regards

standard tips and tweaks
code, css, mobile browsers, other browsers, optimize hints

of course thats once you get the code written

W3C guidelines for layout give hints for accessible sites, accessible is also readable for average joe
pixels are for images, not anything else recommended dimensions are in ems and %s
set margins of the body, and the page will adjust to most screen resolutions
most :profitable:popular:accessed:used:remembered web site Google, 1 entry form in the middle of a blank screen
Old Yahoo search chockablock screen, (who uses Yahoo)
New Yahoo search, 1 entry form in the middle of a blank screen
New Bing search, 1 entry form in the middle of a blank screenk.i.s.s. small is beautiful
css is faster than tables

1. The average person has a very short attention span when viewing a web page. Keep it simple, functional, and well organized. If you are not sure if something is simple enough, let someone who knows little more than how to google something try to find something on your site.

2. Design by purpose. (Is it to get information, Web 2.0 interaction, etc.)


Hi Fawkman,

Find the below basic tips to design the web :-

1. Keep your paragraphs reasonable & in readable lengths.
2. Test your website using other browsers.
3. Keep your navigation simple.
4. Don't bother with splash pages.
5. Browser compatibility
6. Screen resolution adjustments
7. Font resizing facility
8. Fast loading web page.

Thanks for all your replies

:) appreciated

Friend, I am new for this thread.I believe these ways what have said for you our friends above are all practically true.And you can get a good result by using these guides.Best of luck.


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