Hola everyone!

I'm a volunteer in an NGO, and I don't know much about design... but I'm trying to work on their weg page which as fully designed with Flash (www.caminodeemaus.org.ar) and I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE SCROLL BAR

In the attachment you'll see three buttons on the left that lead you to magazines: 1-12, 13-24, 25-27; all buttons works... and SCROLL works with the first two sets of magazines... but when you get to the third one.... you see the scroll bar... BUT NO SCROLL!!!!



Member Avatar for rajarajan2017


I had looked into your file, and came to know you miss one instance name, here with I had attached four files for the procedure to solve. follow it. and if you found the solution, close the thread as solved. Thanks

commented: Nice spot! +2

I concur with Raja!

If you open up the movie clip containing the images and the scroll bar (the instance of library object "scroll 3" called "ins_revistas").
Take a look at the movie-clips containing pictures 1-12 at frame 1 and pictures 13-24 in frame 2, you'll see that both clips have instance names of: "ins_revistas_de_1-12" and "ins_revistas_de_13-24".

Now if you look at the movieclip containing pictures 25-27 at frame 3, you can see that there is no instance name.
Give the clip an instance name of "ins_revistas_de_25-27" and that should resolve your problem!

Nice Job Raja!


Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Welcome JAS!

IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
saludos from Argentina!

I concur with Raja!

If you open up the movie clip containing the images and the scroll bar (the instance of library object "scroll 3" called "ins_revistas").
Take a look at the movie-clips containing pictures 1-12 at frame 1 and pictures 13-24 in frame 2, you'll see that both clips have instance names of: "ins_revistas_de_1-12" and "ins_revistas_de_13-24".

Now if you look at the movieclip containing pictures 25-27 at frame 3, you can see that there is no instance name.
Give the clip an instance name of "ins_revistas_de_25-27" and that should resolve your problem!

Nice Job Raja!


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