Well I have a logo for a clan of mine, and I would like to make it in 3D from for intros of the little movies we make. Does anyone know of a program that I can use to make 3D things. Not text, but figures.

thanks. :D

The best programs to look into would be 3d studio max, bryce and cinema4d probably. :) Good luck, they take time learning, I advise buying a book from amazon first.

Well I already have 3ds max, and know how to use it, but it doesn't work for what I need it for. You can only make the given shapes (Sphere, teapot, cilinder for example).

I'll check out those other programes though, thanks :)

You will not find Bryce as Corel doesn't do any support for this product for past 4-5years. Only on P2P.
Also you should say what you are exactly looking for in 3D that will help as to help you...

you can also use the Blender 2.36 here is site address www.blender3d.org. this is freeware. :)

Well I tried Blender 3d and when I tried to download it I got a "Cannot find server" Error. I tried to find bryce but I need a freeware programe because I can't afford to buy anything.

here is the link where you can download the blender3d. this is freeware.
http://www.blender3d.org/cms/Blender.31.0.html here you can choose OS. i think there must no problem to download this program. i checked this link before to write down this. ok, have a good day.

Well I already have 3ds max, and know how to use it, but it doesn't work for what I need it for. You can only make the given shapes (Sphere, teapot, cilinder for example).

I'll check out those other programes though, thanks :)

So your telling me that when they used 3dsmax on the movie 'the day after tomorrow' they only used rectangles and teapots??
no offence mate but you obviously don't know how to use it, the whole idea is that you morph the basic shapes together:
If you want some examples on what can be done just go on some art sites and look under 3dsmax or go on google and search there.

P.S It's even used for animation aswell! it's a top-end graphics package!

P.P.S Halo 2 is a legend (a very young one perhaps but still...)

Yeah you are underestimating 3D Studio Max...The primitive objects are only given as a novelty, or a starting point. You could convert a cube into an editable mesh for example, and push and pull verticies and form it into the shape of a torso.. For something easier, I'd look into Poser, it has pre-rigged human models that you can customize and animate.

you can add the 3D in flash and also use the 3DMAX for that

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