...its just that people are too lazy to do it right!


Excellent tips on how to make your site render correctly in ANY BROWSER!!

They have a nice discussion site there also :)

kvprajapati commented: helpful! +6

Yes, you can make your site look good in all browsers. IF you are willing to write code specifically for each one that doesn't implement the standard perfectly...meaning all of them...:D

Hehe YES they all have some part that doesnt render something dont they?

its so current
the text is so up to date

Last Mod April 10, 2006
the basic premise is right tho

Interesting.... I usually check my web in all browsers... OP FF CR IE SF.
Sure is possible have the same layout but must create at least diffenet CSS for each version of IE ... at least I care IE6 IE7 IE8

For the differences in IE5 IE6 IE7 IE8 I use IETester, good tool.

Right now my photography web use a javascript that does not support IE5... so I consider IE5 extinct :-)

Yes, you can make your site look good in all browsers. IF you are willing to write code specifically for each one that doesn't implement the standard perfectly...meaning all of them...:D

My pages work in any browser (with minor hiccups in IE6 and earlier) without using any conditional markup or separate stylesheets.

There is no need to tailor pages for different browsers unless you are doing something wrong (or don't know what you are doing).

This is not true as IE older versions works in a different way and the same CSS style are rendered and interpreted by IE 5 6 7 in different ways... not like FX OP CR so if you want have same aspect in all of them there is no way out but use different styles sheet for IE.

IE is full of bugs... wish will be soon extinct.... I'm going for OP very soon.

The attached image is a screenshot of my sites webstats for January 2010
shows why, if its readable after being mutilated by the display script, webmasters must make sites readable in IE as well as standards complient browsers
top left table cell
IE has 76% of market share,
MS could probably take a hint from google's playbook and say that IE is the standard **edit** I'm surprised MS havent

geeks programmers tech-savvy etc ( us ) may use 'alternate browsers' I run 5 including ie
but everybody else uses pc as they got it out of the dell(tm) shipping box

at least Windows95 and IE4 hasnt hit my site since December

I care that IE6 IE7 IE8 will show all fine with opera firefox crome safari.

If you check my web you wil see that. IE6 is going to be soon extinct but my website can still support it. I just dropped IE5 few months ago because my new script for dispaly resizable photos does not support that. No big deal.
I hope that finally with IE9 MS will cover the gap with competitors in terms of 'standars' .
Till then.... many visitors still come from IE7 so checkit.

This is not true as IE older versions works in a different way and the same CSS style are rendered and interpreted by IE 5 6 7 in different ways... not like FX OP CR so if you want have same aspect in all of them there is no way out but use different styles sheet for IE.

Pre IE6 is useless, but from IE6 most things work. If you avoid using those which don't work, there is no need to use a separate style sheet.

I have never written (or needed to write) a separate stylesheet for any browser.

I have never written (or needed to write) a separate stylesheet for any browser.

hahahah, just the opposite here!
Never done a web without use different css for different browsers..

Pre IE6 is useless, but from IE6 most things work. If you avoid using those which don't work, there is no need to use a separate style sheet.

I have never written (or needed to write) a separate stylesheet for any browser.

How would you know, you arent the user

that wasnt intended to be inflammatory, you dont know what the end user is.
Death to the King

How would you know, you arent the user

that wasnt intended to be inflammatory, you dont know what the end user is.

That's as much an argument against using multiple stylesheets as it is for using them. (Actually, it isn't an argument for or against; it is irrelevant.)

I don't need to know what browser the end user is using; I know what they are capable of and write to that.

See that is where ya run into problems.....

Its important to know what browser they are using because 1 browser MIGHT NOT see something like another one does and if you dont want COMPAT ISSUES,its important to take the extra time and do it right :)

See that is where ya run into problems.....

What problems? I don't have any.

Its important to know what browser they are using because 1 browser MIGHT NOT see something like another one does and if you dont want COMPAT ISSUES,its important to take the extra time and do it right :)

I don't care what browser is being used because I don't use anything that will cause problems in any browser.
My sites work in all browsers, without any browser sniffing.

for everybody else that may be concerned whether their code will display properly these standard test beds replace yoursite.com with the appropriate url

http://analyze.websiteoptimization.com/authenticate.php?url=http://www.yoursite.com&/ Speed tweaks

http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yoursite.com&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 html check


http://demo.opera-mini.net/demo.html?www.yoursite.com handheld

http://www.browsershots.org other browsers --have to punch the url into the opening screen, this is a real eye opener

many problems (if present) will show
serious code errors in the w3c validator sites will produce blankscreens in browsershots

Valid code does not ensure the site will work ...
Invalid code ensures the site will not work ...
.. in all browser OS combinations

not all layouts work in handheld devices
strictly code based, you understand your content more than I would

EDIT** Chris,, your site failed in 5 of the first 6 browsers out of the box, it doesnt like *nix http://browsershots.org/http://cfajohnson.com/
uses css3 shadow unsupported in most *nix browsers
looks good in everything else

EDIT** Chris,, your site failed in 5 of the first 6 browsers out of the box, it doesnt like *nix http://browsershots.org/http://cfajohnson.com/
uses css3 shadow unsupported in most *nix browsers
looks good in everything else

It works in all the browsers on my Linux box.

If the text-shadow is not supported, the page shows just as it would as if I had not specified it. It's a progressive enhancement.

It works in all the browsers on my Linux box.

If the text-shadow is not supported, the page shows just as it would as if I had not specified it. It's a progressive enhancement.

:headslap Moment:
may have timed out rather than failed, it gives the same error msg, browsershots is in development as well,
I apologise,

Still looks damn good in all other than those first 5 blank screens

yes of course it is possible

choose a best host for ur site

i can suggest u some

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