Hi People

The Problem:
www.1.com/2/3.php > www.1.com/3.php
I want to change permently so you never see the folder named "2".
I thought this would be possible through the htaccess file or web hosting server?
So using mod_rewrite or changing the host directory of your server to www/2/ instead of www/?

Thanks, Regards X

PS: Question: modrewrite, etc only maniuplates the URL it does not actually change values of .php, variables and root directories?

you can also set the root directory of your server to www/2/ folder if your using Apache webserver edit the httpd.conf and change the root directory there. or you can also put your 3.php file in your www folder since that is your default root.

That was the first idea I had but im yet to attempt as I would like to gather a 'source' of ideas and see which is best.
I am assuming if changing the root is possible would be the best attempt as the 'server' can still access the files where as human counter parts cannot! So its a win win situation to me, only thing is if it is do able on my domain as there are multiple I have been informed :( Keep the ideas coming guys, much appreciated. Thanks.

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